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Everything posted by milomind

  1. For sale: Sony RH1, gently used with 3 Li-on batteries, all accessories and original box; Reactive Sounds stereo mic and velvet bag, Sony softcase for MD Walkman. I will entertain offers. PM me if you are interested in buying it. I don't want an astronomical figure, so let's talk price. Thanks, James
  2. First, decide what podcatcher program you will be using. iTunes is by far the most popular, but is not the only one available. Second, once you have subscribed to the podcasts that you want to get, locate the folders that your podcatcher has made for them. Now, these next steps are for Windows users only. Open SonicStage and use the conversion tool to find and convert the podcasts to atrac, or if you are using an RH1, just upload them as mp3's. Upload them as you would any other audio file, and enjoy. If you are unfamiliar with SonicStage, there is a wealth of information here in the software section of this forum. Good luck, and if you have a chance, give a listen to our MD made podcast on the end of the world: Destructomundo! I have walked many a listener through the process of getting our show.
  3. Making use of an amplifier audio out, or recording a mono feed such as a guitar, bass, synth, theremin or other instrument going into an amp will require mono cabling in order to avoid stereo bleed over into the opposite channel. You will still get a stereo recording, however, on the RH1. Just delete the blank channel in editing software. I suggest using Audacity. It's free.
  4. You are unfortunately going to have some level of difficulty in getting podcasts onto your NH1, mainly due to the conversion process. The main thing is SS's inability to deal well with MP3s that have poor and inconsistent ID3 tags that it has to convert. Podcasts have notoriously bad ID3 tags, and my own is no exception. Sorry. If you can get SS to convert the podcasts into a folder just for podcasts, you may find this to be acceptable for your needs. In the SS preferences point the converted files to a folder that you create called podcasts, then convert them all to Atrac. You will have to switch back to the default folder in SS when you want to convert music, but hey. This is an over simplified and vague explanation for how to do this, but it's the basics and you are going to have to suffer a little for the privilege of using superior sounding equipment. Listen to a few of our shows if you want. Recorded exclusively on HiMD equipment since 2005. Destructomundo!
  5. The RH1 is to be discontinued from Sony's consumer electronics lineup. Sony will still be offering the M200 as a part of their Professional products lineup. It will effectively remove the product from the DAP market and put it into the professional recording market. By removing it from the consumer market and including it in the professional market, it may actually improve the format. As long as journalists and other content creators continue its support. NPR seems to run its news service on theirs, so I don't see it dying any time soon. And besides, you could still go out buy a Sony Betamax all the way up to 2003 when they finally halted new production.
  6. I ordered one for $291US from www.keenzo.com, but they did me wrong on the shipping. UPS Ground instead of the 2 Day Fedex I paid for. I'll update on how the resolution goes.
  7. Paint a small dab of Loctite on the screw threads. A very small amount will go a long way with glasses, and MDs.
  8. Mine as well. Also, the batteries I purchased later had the same charge.
  9. http://www.partstore.com/ModelDetail.aspx?...e=0&exact=1 Look through this list of parts for your unit, they probably have it.
  10. Mine has had a bit of "give" in the right rear corner as well. If you push on the Walkman logo, it presses the lid down a little, and then it springs back. It's never really bothered me, and as far as I know it's acoustically silent in my recordings.
  11. No, I'm afraid it doesn't pull out. You have to use the remote to change groups without forwarding song by song.
  12. What kind of data stream? This sounds interesting. I have been wondering as of late if I could use my minidisc with my Commodore 64 emulator as a tape drive.
  13. You should be able to convert files to atrac3 or 3+ without much signal degradation. Of course it's better to have the original source, but you could remaster them sort of. decode the mp3 to wav, and re-encode to atrac might have a better overall sound. I know that some of the tracks that I did this to at least felt like they were more refined. At 192kbs you should be good.
  14. I'm selling my trusty MZ RH10 that I've recorded with for over a year now, with no problems, on eBay. It's scratch free, and has all the original accessories, including the box. I've also included a car charger with it. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...p;rd=1&rd=1 If anyone wishes to make me a reasonable offer for it here on this board, I will consider pulling the auction. PM me if you are interested.
  15. iPods have a 90 day parts and labor, and a one year warranty for parts. Same as Sony.
  16. Thanks for the heads-up. I guess I'll just keep saving for a MacBook Pro.
  17. Cool. I've actually been giving the MYLO careful consideration for a purchase. How do you like it?
  18. I use the black vinyl case that came with my MZN707. The USB slot even lines up with the hole in the case. I also use the green armband case that you can sometimes find at stores that sell, or used to sell MiniDisc player/recorders, like Target, Walmart, Best Buy, etc.. It lines up with the side hole for the remote plug. Also, I use a GameBoy Advance ballistic nylon case for transport. It has a pocket that will fit my spare batteries, an extra disc, and my microphone. I found it at Circuit City for $5, and I think that Target and Walmart probably carry them.
  19. Well, technically you could still record in LP2 on standard 74 or 80 min discs with your RH1 if you felt like it. There is no denying that the discs are cheaper than HiMD discs, and if you never erase them it probably makes sense to just continue in that manner now that you can upload from standard discs.
  20. I will definitely check that out. I'm gonna google it right now. Thanks for clarifying for Joy. I'm on my Mac right now, and couldn't check the menus in SS.
  21. In a word, no. It's pretty complicated with the DRM Sony has. Read the manual on the first or second page. There is a diagram.
  22. All music is about getting tail. Invariably, you will find this at its core every time. And yes, even Judas Priest. Although, maybe not the kind of tail the vast majority of the fans had in mind. Rob Halford rules! Hellbent for leather!
  23. You can change the bitrate to accommodate different types of recordings, and the quality of them. For example: a recording of a vocal lecture for later review or transcription to written notes doesn't need a high bitrate, so HiLP 64kbs would probably suffice. Also, the disc can hold a longer recording. Longer than the life of a fully charged battery in the RH1. Three times longer, in fact. It is always best to record at the highest bitrate possible under the circumstances available to you. Start at the top and work down. Extra batteries or a power source will extend the recording time, as well as additional discs. Keep that in mind when setting up a recording outing. I have a kit that I take with me that has my microphone, attenuators, batteries, and spare discs that fits in medium sized jacket pocket. As far as the settings for live recording go, spend some time in the Live Recording section of the forum, and read what other people have discovered about recording with the MiniDisc. There is simply no way to learn without experience, and these people can guide you in the right direction for a myriad of recording applications. ps. The bitrate settings are in <menu> <REC settings> <REC mode> on the unit. The ones in the menu are for transfer FROM the computer. Be sure to set to leave bitrate as is in the preferences in SS, or your bitrates will be changed upon uploading your recording. I opt for the WAV conversion as well.
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