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Cannot Record Or Play: A 2d Chance

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I had an irreplaceable recording and had just finished editing it on the unit before uploading. I noticed the battery was getting low, so I pushed Stop to save my edits, went hunting for a new battery, came back and....forgot to check if it was done writing the files. Apparently it wasn't. After I changed the battery and pushed the start button again, I got CANNOT RECORD OR PLAY.

A colorful period of howling and furniture-smashing followed.

Then, in desperation, I plugged in the USB and started Sonic Stage 3.0. Lo and behold, it listed the tracks on the MD, probably in their second-to-last edited state. I tried uploading them, and the first ones did. Then one crashed Sonic Stage. I reopened it and began uploading one at a time. There were a few more crashes, but eventually about 2/3 uploaded. And then--equally amazing--Sonic Stage played back the rest with no problem and I recorded them with TotalRecorder.

The disc still generates CANNOT RECORD OR PLAY on the unit by itself. But no matter: I have the material. If it happens to you, don't give up on the disc before trying SonicStage.

And I never thought I'd say this, but: Thank you, SonicStage.

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Hi woodgnome,

I've made many recordings on my NH1, no hint of any problem, if you RTFM, you will see that there are some minor limitations, but I haven't even com clode to exploiting them.

Try another unit, or get off the bandwagon, these things are great, beats any hard drive unit out there, ability to record and upload is a great feature.

Learn to love your unit,


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I have had no problems with the unit in hundreds of recordings--SonicStage is another story, of course.

This recording was Hi-SP, so the Hi-LP bug doesn't matter. And this was a RTFM situation--I took out the battery prematurely. I'm just glad for once that SonicStage wasn't as finicky as usual.

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I have had no problems with the unit in hundreds of recordings--SonicStage is another story, of course.

This recording was Hi-SP, so the Hi-LP bug doesn't matter. And this was a RTFM situation--I took out the battery prematurely. I'm just glad for once that SonicStage wasn't as finicky as usual.

I just had a disk fail on me in a similar manner, recording on my RH10, except although I'm a MD newby I don't think this was a RTFM situation; I didn't do anything except attempt to resume recording after having paused the unit, and the battery had a full charge so it wasn't a power issue. The MD was a scratch disk with just a few home recordings so I let the recorder try to reformat it when it but it can't even do that! Since I currently use a Mac and don't have a PC with SS loaded I haven't tried your recovery method yet. I'm at least happy to hear that this isn't a common problem with Hi-MD! -Steve

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