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I've searched and found 1 post referencing SSAAD.exe... I am wondering if anyone has any updated information on any problems that could arise if I delete this file? I'm tired of having it run everytime I boot, and it likes to keep putting itself in startup even after you take it out.. grr...

Thanks a bunch all!

Edit: I'm running SS 3.1 on win2000...

Edited by raintheory
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I've searched and found 1 post referencing SSAAD.exe...   I am wondering if anyone has any updated information on any problems that could arise if I delete this file?  I'm tired of having it run everytime I boot, and it likes to keep putting itself in startup even after you take it out..  grr...

  Thanks a bunch all!

Edit: I'm running SS 3.1 on win2000...

I am not certain if you will encounter any significant problems if you should delete the SSAAD.exe file. From my experience, I believe it should not run every time you boot your system. Regardless, I think it’s best to leave it as it is.

I suspect the SSAAD.exe is a "controller" of some sort for ATRAC Audio Devices - such as the VAIO Pocket VGF-AP1L or the NW-HDx series. I do notice the SSAAd.exe running in the background briefly when I connect my VAIO Pocket to the PC. Thus, you may want to leave it as it is for now.

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I've searched and found 1 post referencing SSAAD.exe...  I am wondering if anyone has any updated information on any problems that could arise if I delete this file?  I'm tired of having it run everytime I boot, and it likes to keep putting itself in startup even after you take it out..  grr...

  Thanks a bunch all!

Edit: I'm running SS 3.1 on win2000...

doubt it'd harm your performance much, on my laptop it's using 4,000kb. just one of those sony 'we know better than you' software choices. i wish they did!

anyway when you do find unusual processes running just type 'em into google, there's a few good reference sites but i like to get a range of view on what a file is & if it's harmful.

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i like to get a range of view on what a file is & if it's harmful.

for all windows services/processes that run on startup there used to be such a page by Blackviper... it was mentioned (and linked to) in kurisu's "How to keep your PC virus/spyware free"-thread but the page is down (and bought by Network Solutions)... I've seen that kurisu is aware of this (well I did mention it to him tongue.gif ) and that he is now searching for some similar site apparently...see

Useless/Insecure Windows XP/2000 Services


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