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Mono To Stereo

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Perhaps this is a very simple question, or not... I have a Sony RH-10 and bought a simple telephone adapter that sits between the headset and phone and provides a mono mic output. Works fine except...

Sony records the mono imput on one channel. I would like to have it on both. Is this just a mini adapter mono2stereo? Could not find one at Fry's, but have not been to Radio Shack yet.

Or is there a software solution with Sonicstage or other program?

And btw, editing software ideas? Or is that best done in the RH10?

Thanks in advance...

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I don't know about easy to use simple adapter solutions, but one option is to upload them to SS, save as .wav, import in Audacity (free downloadable from the downloads section), select ('stereotrack divide' or something from the dropdown menu 'stereotrack'), erase the empty halve, duplicate the other one, select both tracks and 'make a stereotrack' out of them... I have a dutch version of audacity so sorry if the menu/option names are badly translated...

greetings, Volta

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You can also convert OMA->MP3 using himd-renderer, and specify MONO MP3 output.

himd-renderer will detect audio in the loudest channel (either left or right) and use that for the MONO channel.

Besides if you are recording telephone, note the frequency spectrum will be limited to 300Hz to 8000Hz, there is no need to record in format higher than HiLP, so conversion to OMA->MP3 (rather than OMA->WAV) will not lose fidelity.

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very instructive ideas. thank you! looks like I will do both... off to RS today and will try the himd-renderer solution as well.

i notice when i convert to wav with ss that I lose a lot of quality. (or just can hear better on the computer, but I doubt that...) any ideas what that would be happening?

You can also convert OMA->MP3 using himd-renderer, and specify MONO MP3 output.

himd-renderer will detect audio in the loudest channel (either left or right) and use that for the MONO channel.

Besides if you are recording telephone, note the frequency spectrum will be limited to 300Hz to 8000Hz, there is no need to record in format higher than HiLP, so conversion to OMA->MP3  (rather than OMA->WAV) will not lose fidelity.

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Wav conversion shouldn't lower the quality at all.

First, check the settings under Options/Transfer/Hi-MD/Transfer Settings to make sure you are using Standard Transfer Mode and not compressing on the way in.

If you're converting your only-on-the-left recordings, the wav conversion may be trying to add the silence on one side to the signal on the other, coming out as noise--I don't know, it's just a guess--but try Hi-MD Renderer in Mono and see if that sounds better.

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