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Convert 192kbits Mp3 To Atrac3+256?

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I think I read somewhere on the board that if I have an mp3 with 192kbits I won't be able to encode it to Atrac3+ 256kbits. Basically, that I cannot choose a higher Atrac3+ bitrate than the source mp3 had.

Knowing SonicStage this is probably true. Is it however possible with any other software?



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GIGO - garbage in, garbage out.

The two chief caveats are:

* If you transcode something that's low-bitrate, you can't improve the quality, you can only hope to retain the current quality. Transcoding to a higher bitrate than the current one [256kbps atrac3plus from 192kbps MP3] should retain nearly the same quality as the original

* Some MP3s from some encoders can't be transcoded correctly by SS; my experience with this is very hit-and-miss, not consistent even with material from the same encoder .. so it's a guessing game at best as to whether you'll end up with music or simply silence from your MP3s.

In any case, converting to WAV or lossless WMA [which should retain tags, unlike WAV] and then converting that to atrac/3/plus using SS should work.

With whole albums of 'naughty' MP3s [ones that transcode as silence, or where some do at least] I usually would create a CD image of them using Nero, and rip that image using Simple Burner, which can then pick up their titles from CDDB.

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GIGO hahahahahhaahhah LMAO:D

funniest line i have read in a long time... strangely was reading about stock valuations on a FIFO basis some days ago... GIGO is truly awesome

you can delete my comment if it adds no value to this thread.. just wanted to laugh smile.gif

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