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Help Please! Upload Problems Himd

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Recently bought an RH910, successfully loaded sonicstage 3.0 from the CD Rom and then got the upgrade to 3.1 from web link.

Have now tried to upload a personal concert recorded live with microphone. My aim was to save it in my library and then burn CD plus copy and try and improve sound quality using Audacity.

I test ran with a rehearsal track which seemed to upload fine but later when i tried to convert to WAV it seems that only half the track had converted.

Meanwhile I tried to upload all the concert tracks in one (saved as a group on minidisc). Part way through first track/song I got a mesage box saying there was a problem and the process stopped. There is nothing in my library and when i play that first track on the minidisc it plays but now comes up saying something like "track transfered".

Queries then are:

1) I've read that you can only upload once and thereafter sonicstage will delete minidisc. If so have i lost chance with the whole concert/group or just the first track?

2) If i haven't lost all what is the best way to try upload again? Should i try and delete the 'tainted' track from group on the MD first?

3) Any idea what has caused the problem? Was it getting the upgrade to 3.1?

4) Any ideas on what causes only half a track to convert to WAV/appear when opened in "Audacity".

Any help very gratefully received. The whole point of getting the MD was to record work and send copies to those unable to attend. I'm starting to think I should have stuck with my old tape recorder - please convince me otherwise!


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If you still have the uploaded OMA files on your PC then you can try SonicStage again. Failing that, try my program HIMDRenderer. Informatiom about it is here:


If none of those work then your only option is to record from the HIMD to the PC realtime.

There's a whole load of info about HIMD uploading via USB, and realtime recording here:


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I would definitely not try to upload again, as that could erase the disc! (not sure, but it's not worth the gamble IMHO)

instead, record in realtime to your PC (both methods are explained in detail in the second link that marcnet provided):

- the totalrecorder way (digital) that will cost you $11.90 or something but gives the best result

- analoguely, with audacity (see downloads section) (MD line out -> PC line in) which is free and still ok quality wise

for the future, just read this brilliant thread as it explaines the best/safest method of uploading... so just follow the steps and you will (probably) never lose recordings (again)

hope this helps,

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Thanks for taking the trouble to reply guys.

I had read some of the links through before and was following the Kurisu thread religiously but...

I'll follow your advice so far as i can - the problem for me (and maybe other beginners out there) is that the jargon and sheer amount of background understanding needed is a bit daunting. I guess you learn by mistakes and practice but i wish there was an idiots guide written for the less computer literate.

Oh well, thanks again anyway.

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4) Any ideas on what causes only half a track to convert to WAV/appear when opened in "Audacity".

What was the length of the track when it was initailly on the HiMD?

The partial track that was uploaded and converted to WAV didn't happen to cut off at or around 74 min by chance, did it?


Edited by raintheory
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1) I've read that you can only upload once and thereafter sonicstage will delete minidisc. If so have i lost chance with the whole concert/group or just the first track?

2) If i haven't lost all what is the best way to try upload again? Should i try and delete the 'tainted' track from group on the MD first?

Tracks that have been uploaded will be time-stamped by SonicStage. You can look at the display as you play them or look at what's on the disc when connected to SonicStage. Probably only the first track got marked.

For uploading, you need to click open the folder and highlight all the individual tracks. SonicStage is hapless with lots of group functions. Just skip the track that's already marked as uploaded--don't delete it.

The question is whether the whole track uploaded in the first place. It's possible that a glitch in the disc interrupted the track and stopped the upload. It's also possible that the .wav converter simply choked for a second on the complete track.

Look in My Library for the track you uploaded. (It's probably "Untitled" but you might be able to find it more easily by using Date Imported, which is Sony's pathetic substitute for the intuitively obvious function of uploading groups.) See if the version in My Library plays through. If it does, try Convert to .wav again--once the track is uploaded, you can convert the uploaded tracks again and again. Or download HiMDRenderer and convert it with that. http://forums.minidisc.org/downloads/details.php?file=3

If it's not all there, then use the realtime TotalRecorder method, detailed here.


Even if you have to use that, it's still better than a basic tape recorder.

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thanks again for replies; i'll work through as suggested.

to raintheory- the first track during which transfer aborted was about 2.5 minutes only long.

- the other track that did upload but only half converetd was about 6 minutes only.

I was trying to upload without auto convert to WAV (think i'd read somewhere that better to upload without and then covert later) so may try something else with that switched on.

Many thanks again to all.

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did you happen to edit the songs on the Hi md before uploading?? also if you can please tell your system specs and if you were running any version of sonicstage before... just trying to pinpoint the problem..

i am not having any issues with sonicstage.. marcnet's himdrenderer works extremely well too..

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did you happen to edit the songs on the Hi md before uploading?? also if you can please tell your system specs and if you were running any version of sonicstage before... just trying to pinpoint the problem..

i am not having any issues with sonicstage.. marcnet's himdrenderer works extremely well too..

Thanks for reply - in answer:

Yes! I spent ages editing the tracks on MD first as I'd read somewhere that that was best thing to do - does that mess up the uploading??

Not sure what you mean by system specs (sorry beginer to PC and MD). I'm using a v new and (told by work who's it is) high spec Dell laptop so naively imagine that should be up to the job.

Finally, yes, I did have SS 3.0 from the orig CD rom that came with MD but got the 3.1 upgrade off the net and that seemed to delete the 3.0 automatically - I did delete the commercial music store (can't recall name) shortcut that appeared on screen but SS and Product Support shortcuts still there.

Have i done something bad??

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