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The Difference Between iPod and MD

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"Sound" is purely subjective. What I would recommend is get a set of earphones you are comfortable with and try out a few units, being careful not to think that just because a unit is louder that it sounds better.

"sound" is onle part of the picture, buy a unit that does what you want it to do.


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As far as I've read, the shuffle will probably sound inferior to other iPod units, if only by a little bit.

That would make hi-end MD recorders by sharp (DR7, DR77, DR480) sound better. Of course I can only say that my DR480 sounded better than my iPod.

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I have an iPod and a Sony RH10 MD. The iPod pumps out greater volume than the RH10 by far, and clarity and richness from the iPod is alot greater than the RH10. The RH10 also puts out less treble than the iPod, and when I use the EQ to crank the treble back up, I hear that the RH10 (or SonicStage) has messed the high frequencies up something bad! I wast listening to a song on the RH10 the other day and it sounded compressed as hell. I'm guessing this was done by SonicStage and not the MD. Stupid software these days... always trying to compress everything.

For these reasons, I listen to musc with my iPod and only use my MD to record.

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on the other hand, what i have read at ipodlounge is that the shuffle sounds better than the other ipods..

it apparently has more bass though you cannot equalize....

@daiken.. what bit rates are you using on your ipod and MD?? while i agree about the volume, i am not too sure about the sound playback quality

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The RH10 also puts out less treble than the iPod, and when I use the EQ to crank the treble back up, I hear that the RH10 (or SonicStage) has messed the high frequencies up something bad! I wast listening to a song on the RH10 the other day and it sounded compressed as hell. I'm guessing this was done by SonicStage and not the MD.

Try listening to MP3s on your RH10 through your PC? I did, and found that the treble's at a normal level (the glaring difference noticable when playing back on the RH10 weren't there) so the chances are it's a failing in the firmware of the unit.

But even with that, is the RH10 really that bad at MP3 playback? I fiddled with the EQ and got it to sound great as far as I'm concerned.

And before we get too much into this, maybe someone should point out that unless you've forked out for a decent pair of phones.. these sound differences won't be noticable/any 'sound' differences will mainly be down to the phones.

I just thought that might have been worth adding, given that the iPod shuffle seems designed to be worn with the phones that comes with it. (Though I don't have any hands-on experience with them, so I can't say for sure.)

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The majority of my songs are at a CBR 192kbps. My guess is that SonicStage does something nasty to the MP3s before it puts them on the MD. I know for damn sure it's not the MP3 its self because it sounds brilliant on my iPod.

at that bit rate, i must say its very hard to differentiate... nonetheless, just tweak the EQ and all shall be fine.. i have the rh10 and used to own a ipod mini...

also try atrac sometime smile.gif

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