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Build quality of MD guts.

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Is there any difference in a generations build quality internally? I ask because i was looking at the internals of my NH900 and my RH710 and they look quite different.

I read somewhere that the sharp players internals were very hi quality compared to Sonys.

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What I am saying is that if externals are so different what is to say that the internals would not be different in order to save money. It makes sense not to put in expensive parts in a budget model that you are making very little in profit anyway.

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I don't think there's a direct correlation between the outer shell and the quality of the inner parts. Although the NH700 is an all plastic model (and it feels pretty solid for that), its recording quality astounds me everytime anew. Even my desire for an external preamp has perished. I think they're using more or less the same high precision components for every model.

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