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check in problems

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industrial techno junkie

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Right.... here's my situation. I recorded some music on a minidisc which I intended to transfer to my computer. When I try to transfer it over via usb, I get this error message "Unable to transfer to the computer".

the strange thing is, I can check out an mp3 onto the mini disc & check it back in again, yet.... I cannot transfer music recorded onto there before.

Any suggestions would be great


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If it's not Hi-MD, you cannot check in anything you recorded on the unit. NetMD was never intended to do so.

I've got a similar problem in fact I just bought my MZ-RH910 and tried to transfer my live recording to my SS Library an error pop up "interal error" only about 30+% transfer then stop. I changed my USB cable and tried it again then the message pop up something like license and I clicked OK. It didn't look SS transfer my file but I found out later that there is a file in my pc (not shown in my library) that I can't play since is asking a license

The worse thing I can not play and read the original track from my Hi-MD disk anymore. I lost my recording!

Please Help unsure.gif

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Is it Sonicstage 3.2 what you're using?

Kurisu, we should sticky-fy something that urges people to forsake the included disc because it will give you cancer. That way we can make sure everyone goes for SS 3.2 tongue.gif

Ynos, the way you describe it, sounds more like there is something physically wrong with the disc. It cannot upload it because it cannot read it. Try uploading another recorder, but first install SS 3.2 as it allows unlimited uploads.

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welcome to MDCF 'industrial techno junkie',

- most important, as Syrius already asked: is it a HiMD player? (you can check here, if it's not one of these models, you're out of luck and need to use the realtime method explained here)

- second: if it was a HiMD, was the disc recorded in HiMD mode? (older 60/74/80 min discs can be recorded in legacy MD modes (SP/LP) with first gen (NH-models) HiMD recorders, but these recordings cannot be USB-transferred, so back to the realtime method)

- third: if it was HiMD and HiMD mode, please post full specs and a very clear description of the problem as it occured (according to the rules for posting support questions)

just let us know!

@ ynos: I understand you really want to be helped with that problem ynos, but you've described your problem in I guess three or four other threads already... if you have a support question, please follow the following steps:

- search if the problem has been 'cured' before and if it is, follow the solution...

- if it isn't, but the exact (or very! close) problem already has a thread going, add your experience/problem in that thread (the problem described by itj in this thread probably is something else completely, so your question almost hijacks the thread, and gives itj less chance to get his problem solved, as ppl are distracted by yours)

- if there isn't any thread going about the problem, open one new thread following all the rules for posting in the support section

and please remember: this is a forum... ppl can take a while to answer and sometimes simply noone knows what you should/could do... posting your problem everywhere won't speed up the process or better your chances in any way...

I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, that wasn't intended... I have no bad feelings, if only you try to follow the steps I mentioned above in the future... but leeching on/hijacking of threads is very annoying in general, and it is especially so when happening in a thread of a first-time poster, as it can scare them away from MDCF completely and this forum doesn't want as much registrations as possible, we want as much active users as possible... so please play nice... but enough ranting tongue.gif

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I have been reading the posts [attachmentid=825]that have been aired on here. I know of the twin male jack method which I have used 5 years ago. I have a netmd.

I only discovered today that there was a himd on the market. I have read about win nmd. The question is..... will it work with my situation? And if so.... where can I find a working version?

I managed to obtain one yet the .exe command will not instigate the programme, it merely appears as an error message. Appranently christian klaus (not sure if that is the correct spelling) the creator of win nmd is a user on here. Is this urban myth or a statement of fact?

I have attached win nmd installer which I found. Can any of you tell me if you have the same problem as I have had with it. My operating system is windows xp home edition service pack two.


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Hello Volta, thank you for your support and you are the first one to reply my post and welcome as well. I open a new post "SonicStage and MZ-RH910 Nightmare!" http://forums.minidisc.org/index.php?showtopic=12138 and follow your suggestion.

Syrius, thank for your reply BTW I use ss3.0 and recorded in Hi-MD. rolleyes.gif

Good. SS gave me that error with a disc that had a physical defect. Try uploading another recording in another disc. I am almost sure the disc cannot be read, from what you tell me. But first install SS 3.2 That one will not erase the tracks after a failed attempt, so you can record them real time using Total Recorder or Audacity through SS playbak. SS 3.0 WILL erase failed tracks.

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