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MZ-N710 (with all accessorys) for £10!

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I have just bought my 2nd MD unit! I got fed up with having to wait for radio or vinyl recordings to finish before I could listen to stuff I only have on MD. So now the N710 can handle all that, £10 - off a mate who is upgrading to a HD player - with all the accessorys. Few issues though:

1, The main 4-way button in the middle of the unit is loose (any way to fix this?)

2, The battery only lasts for 3 hours (didnt I read of a way to 'recondition' Ni-MH batterys?)

3, A quick jerk will turn the unit off (this isn't that big a problem as the unit isn't going to be used portably)

any ideas on how to fix these problems would be greatly appreciated - its mainly point 3 that is the real issue.


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1, The main 4-way button in the middle of the unit is loose (any way to fix this?)

--> either: 1) obtain a service manual and perform your own repair with reference to its schematics or 2) send it to your local Sony Service Center or an authorized MiniDisc workshop.

2, The battery only lasts for 3 hours (didnt I read of a way to 'recondition' Ni-MH batterys?)

--> try using a brand new NiMH and check if there's any improvement over the existing battery.

3, A quick jerk will turn the unit off (this isn't that big a problem as the unit isn't going to be used portably)

--> a connector must be loose within. Either: 1) obtain a service manual and perform your own repair with reference to its schematics or 2) send it to your local Sony Service Center or an authorized MiniDisc workshop.

*thread moved to NetMD section of the forum.

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2, The battery only lasts for 3 hours (didnt I read of a way to 'recondition' Ni-MH batterys?)

A few full discharge-charge cycles (let it play until it shuts off automatically) should do the trick, if the situation doesn't improve, it's time for a new battery.

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