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Recording Problems with SonicStage

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There are only two quality settings available for you: LP2 (Atrac3 at 132 kbps - medium quality) and LP4 (Atrac3 at 66 kbps - low quality). If you're using the latter, try LP2 instead. Although it doesn't sound perfect, it should be a huge improvement to LP4. Since your unit has no audio input jacks, realtime recirding in SP (Atrac at 292 kbps - best quality) is unfortunately not available. SP through Sonicstage is in fact bloated LP2 quality or slightly worse, so don't use it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Try shutting down all unnecessary programs when you do the transfer. It's possible the "tapping" noises are the result of your system straining to do the transfer because SonicStage needs a lot of computer power and memory as it works. Get off the internet, don't play games or music, etc. when you transfer, and see if that helps.

Otherwise....how much use has that unit had ?

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i have a MZ-NE410

i'm trying to record songs to it and when i want to hear the recording the quality is bad and there are "tapping" noises in the background... has anyone had this problem... can i do anything?

THE TAPPING IS FROM SCRATCHES OR SOMETHING ELSE CAUSING SKIPPING ON YOUR CD DRIVE. THERE SHOULD BE A setting for your cd drive in widows, and a setting in sonic stage to enable error correction. turn them both on clean the disk and see what happens. it might take a lottle longe to read the cd.

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