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Absolute beginner: Hi-MD to music CD

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Hello there,

First of all, sorry because my question may sound too silly and my poor English will not help either.

I have just purchase a Sony MZ-RH710. I got a band and I'd like to use it to record our rehearsals.

After recording the songs with my minidiscs, I would like to copy my songs in a music Cd to give copies to the rest of the band mebers. It seems the HI-MD format do not allow me to do this with the SonicStage program which is inluded in the MiniDisc package. The instructions just say this format can not be copied in a music Cd (?). I would really appreciate any help with this topic.

I would also appreciate any suggestions/tricks about recording with this model.

Thank you very much in advance.

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Thank you A440.

As you'll surely notice I do not too much about this devices. I am an old school recorder (analogue!), with no experience in digital recording.

I was just told to buy one of this MiniDiscs as it seems a good thing to record fast and easy with an acceptable quality. Unfortunately, the shop assistant didn't know too much about this machines and he recomend me to buy this one. I'm still in time to change it. Could you or anyone recommend me any other model?. I just want it to record our rehearsals with a microphone and afterwards, to tranfer it into a Cd to pass it to the other band's members. I'll take a look to the Sony page too.

Thanks in advance.


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The other Hi-MD models for your recording purposes are the MZ-NH700, MZ-NHF800 and MZ-NH900. Depending on what's available where you are, any of those models and the two RH*** models mentioned above will do your job.

Don't get: MZ-NH1 (unconventional battery and connectors), MZ-NH600 or MZ-NH600D (no mic-in).

The recording and uploading capability is basically the same for all of these recorders. The MZ-NH900 has digital pitch control, which may be useful for you as a musician--or not.

Once you have the recorder, take a look at some of the Live Recording FAQ at the top of this thread. You'll need a microphone and either an attenuator (see the thread) or a battery box, and then you will be making surprisingly high-quality recordings.

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im also in this situation.. i recorded a performance of mine and want to burn it onto a cd to listen to in a normal cd player but sonicstage wont let me "the current media does not support the file format". i tried upgrading to the new sonicstage 3.3 but still cant seem to figure it out.

if i convert the files to wav will they be playable off a cd in a cd player??

i had a look around and couldnt find the answer to this on other posts although im sure ive probably missed it.

thanks :)

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No link necessary.

Upload the files from the Hi-MD with SonicStage. They go into My Library, probably with a date stamp. To see the most recently imported files click on the Date Imported heading and My Library will arrange by date.

Once you have the file in My Library, highlight it, click Tools and you'll find Save in .wav . Save it someplace you can find it, and then burn it to a CD.

The only exception is if you have made an optical recording. Then SonicStage won't convert and you have to use HiMDRenderer, which you can find under Programs in Downloads.

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