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NH900 vs RH910

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Ok so I've read a lot, and it looks like the nh900 or possibly rh910 would fit the bill if I were to go hi-MD.

I have 2 of the the old jog-dial Sharp -- the best interface EVER, before the iPod "minimalism is great because we know how you'll use your device" design trend. Controls take up the entire face of the thing, it's weird and spaceship-looking, and it is um. . .USEFUL</rant>. Honestly I can't imagine using a minidisc without a jog dial, there's just WAY too much input that I need to do to be pressing/holding buttons to scroll through alphabets. . .of course I have no idea how the rh910 actually works but jog dial is the only interface I've ever used (besides a keyboard) that doesn't piss me off as far as input goes. My wife has an older Sony MD and the button pressing is maddening. Seems like the whole "player" movement killed the interfaces?

But. . .dang it! With MD going more and more "niche" I can't find a nh900 anywhere except Ebay and lately I've kind of decided Ebay has been dodgey and not a source of good deals for me. There's the aussie place but no telling when they'll be doing international again with the War On Batteries and all, and if it's got problems I'd be a little hot to have to pay the shipping from the US and/or be SOL since Oz is saying goodbye to MD.

Any suggestions? Anyone have a line on where to get NH900s or have the rh910 and have a good "interface experience" to share?

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I have had both units and I have decided I like the 910 a little more. Mainly because of the better display(A lot better), better search functions and the mp3 playback. (You can search through the track, albums or groups by initial) The 910 has more of a scroll wheel that rolls up and down, and works just fine... It is also the play button. I missed the large jog dial of the 900 for a while, but like anything, I just got used to the smaller one on the 910. I find it a lot easier to use with just one hand if it is my pocket. Although If you have really fat fingers, it must be hard to use.

beware though, the 910 does not come with a remote control. When my 900 broke they sent me a 910 but I kept all the accessories. The case on the 900 is also much better.

Another thing I have noticed is that the battery life seems to be better on the 910. Using the same battery gives me about 10 hours instead of the 8 or 9 on the 900.

You will not be dissappointed in either unit. Good Luck

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If MP3 playback isn't high on your list, then I'd recommend NH900 above the RH910. The two units are fairly similar, except the NH900 has partial metal construction and is equipped with HD Digital Amp, which improves the sound output quality somewhat vs. RH910. The accessories that come with NH900 is better overall (dock, remote, etc) as well.

As for the Jog Scroll on the RH910, it's very close to using a jog-wheel on the 910. UI shouldn't be that much of an issue, though it'll be a slightly higher learning curve (not that much) vs. the Pod

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If MP3 playback isn't high on your list, then I'd recommend NH900 above the RH910. The two units are fairly similar, except the NH900 has partial metal construction and is equipped with HD Digital Amp, which improves the sound output quality somewhat vs. RH910.

Mp3 playback isn't important but I didn't know until now about the search feature on the 910, which sounds interesting.

Any ideas on where to possibly get a nh900?

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If MP3 playback isn't high on your list, then I'd recommend NH900 above the RH910. The two units are fairly similar, except the NH900 has partial metal construction and is equipped with HD Digital Amp, which improves the sound output quality somewhat vs. RH910. The accessories that come with NH900 is better overall (dock, remote, etc) as well.

As for the Jog Scroll on the RH910, it's very close to using a jog-wheel on the 910. UI shouldn't be that much of an issue, though it'll be a slightly higher learning curve (not that much) vs. the Pod

AFAIK digital amp is for battery saving only not for SQ (don't know what is "HD"). I didn't try to listen and compare these two units. I have rh910 and compare to my r700 it seems I still like the sounds of my r700. I guess I just can get the right EQ for me.

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I actually prefer the overall sound of my NH700 to my RH10 [same digital amp as RH910]. The RH10 has a rise in the high end that seems to oversweeten the sound a bit for my liking.

The NH700 has less output volume, certainly, but - it also has flatter frequency response, despite having a standard A/D system and analogue amp. The overall effect of the RH10 is to exaggerate compression artifacting, unfortunately. The slightly fuzzy analogue nature of the NH700 smooths out the same defects that are plainly obvious on the RH10.

That said, I use my RH10 for listening for far often than my NH700 because of its MP3 support.

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I actually prefer the overall sound of my NH700 to my RH10 [same digital amp as RH910]. The RH10 has a rise in the high end that seems to oversweeten the sound a bit for my liking.

The NH700 has less output volume, certainly, but - it also has flatter frequency response, despite having a standard A/D system and analogue amp. The overall effect of the RH10 is to exaggerate compression artifacting, unfortunately. The slightly fuzzy analogue nature of the NH700 smooths out the same defects that are plainly obvious on the RH10.

That said, I use my RH10 for listening for far often than my NH700 because of its MP3 support.

Thanks for the responses, it looks like a moot point as the nh models are virtually impossible to find, and it looks like the Oz source is not shipping to US anymore.

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