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Ok, here we go again...this time with Depeche Mode

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So last month I recorded Dolly Parton, and tonight I'm recording Depeche Mode with the same hardware: nh1 with bmc-12 binaurals hooked to a batt box (set at 69Hz this time - bass roll off was NOT used at Dolly) via line-in.

I know the recording afficianados here like the mic-in, but I'm partial to the line-in. At Dolly, I had also used the 'ForLoudMusic' setting, and for Mode I'm going with the manual setting. Man, I hope I don't get any brickwalling.

I also recorded at pcm for dolly, but this time is hi-sp. I'll be using my er-6i's for monitoring. The mics are housed in croakies and attached to glasses. I had the glasses resting on top of my head last time, but I'm going to actually 'wear' them for a better stereo effect.

Dolly was 2nd row in the pit (verrry close), but Mode is about 22 rows from the stage.

The only thing I may be getting is a new 9 volt for the batt box.......

Wish me luck!

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I know the recording afficianados here like the mic-in.

Not really. Greenmachine likes Line-in with battery box, I tend to use Mic-in and attenuator. Theoretically, greenmachine is better because there's not the additional preamp stage to change or screw up his signal, and actually most recording aficionados agree with him, not me. I use mic-in mostly for pragmatic reasons: so I don't have to carry an additional box that's one more thing to pocket and one more thing that could become accidentally disconnected. It also makes for a louder recording, but it does risk overloading now and then.

You shouldn't get any brickwalling with line-in and battery box unless it is punishingly loud. Brickwalling usually comes from the mic preamp. With line-in, the limiting factor is your mics, and if they're overloading with battery power then you're getting a full-body massage from the bass.

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Nobody said to always use the line-in - use it just just for higher sound pressure levels. Quiet sounds would be buried in the noise floor the same way as high SPLs overload the preamp when using mic-in. A perfectly working preamp with seamlessly variable gain would end the endless line-in or mic-in discussion, but until then you have to choose either one or the other that fits best for your situation.

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