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Adjusting volume on my Sony MD MZ-NH600

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...the second way is to go into the service menu and change it from European to some other destination code. It's described in the forum, but it's a bit dangerous since you may make it unusable.

Ok. Do you have a link to this topic in the forum, or a tip of how too find it efficient? But if I can destrpy the MD by doing it, maybe it should be vice not to do it :D

To you who suggest better headphones - I use Koss Porta Pro.

Regards, Terje

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Here's the Hi-MD hack. I tried it on my (UK) NH600 and it works fine, though be careful if you try it.

You might also/instead try to boost the volume "legitimately" using the custom EQ settings on the NH600, and a pair of efficient or isolating earphones. I find I never need to go highere than about 15/30 with Senn MX550 and a good equaliser setting, so the hack is largely irrelevant. You can use the search facility for some good suggestions...

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