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Transfer "as-is"

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So, how do you go about doing this? I know I've seen it discussed here before but I can't seem to find the topics (and searching for as-is gives me nothing). I finally got 3.3 working (formatted the HDD and reinstalled it onto it's very own partition with it's own copy of windows so nothing can corrupt it) and I want to take advantage of the different bit rates that are available to me now.

When I tell it to transfer the files, it defaults to 64 when I want 192. Thinking about it, I guess the problem is that the new bit rates are only available for importing cd's, not transferring tracks. Is this true?

Thanks in advance.

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I don't why why Sony made all those ATRAC3plus bitrates and like..doesn't allow Hi-MD to play them back..it's not like it would make the system THAT much more complicated..

but the PSP does play all the bitrates of ATRAC3plus (that i know of), you can also just straight drag and drop mp3's, AAC (mp4), and WAV (yes, wave) into the MUSIC folder. If you use a homebrew app..you can playback OGG Vorbis audio.

however, like i said..don't think i'm trying to go PSP vs. MD. I didn't buy the PSP as a portable music device, the memory sticks were too expensive...but..after getting a couple and playing with ATRAC3..since i always have my PSP with me...it was just like, a convience thing.

Personally, i use 48kbps ATRAC3plus for my PSP's music. I can cram like, 14 albums onto a 256MB card (235MB in reality) which is slightly more than an original formatted MD. However, a MD probably costs around 2 bucks or less where as the 256MB memory stick cost me $47

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