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md to wav or mp3

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Do you have a Hi-MD player, disc

or is it a MD-SP, LP?

If Its a Hi-MD disc you can use

HIMDRenderer 0.54

Or Sonic Stage 3.4 for a wav file.

If its a NetMD player then you can use the same software to assist real-time recoding from the line-in port, cable to you computer. (HIMDRenderer 0.54)


Hope that helps...

Edited by danielbb90
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It's important to know exactly what model your unit is.

If it is an early model then it has no USB port and there's no way to connect to a computer.

(MZ-Rxx or MZ-Rxxx)

If it is a NetMD (MZ-Nxxx) then you can use Hi-MDRenderer to help you record into your computer in real time. Until the R1 comes out there is no way to directly upload SP files to the computer.

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If it is an early model then it has no USB port and there's no way to connect to a computer.

(MZ-Rxx or MZ-Rxxx)

Really, A440. *slaps on the wrist*

If you have an older model with no USB port, your only choice to connect it is the analogue route [3.5mm male stereo .. to the same .. cable]. Trackmarks will not be transferred, &c. This is the same method you would use to copy music with ia cassette deck or any other analogue device.

Just connect the line-out of your player [if it's an SP only unit it's likely to actually have a line-out] to the line-in on your computer's sound card.

Settings levels, using recording software &c. can be learned from any of a bazillion howto sources across the net, so I'm not going to repeat those instructions here.

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you two, i've seen enough teen & romantic comedies to know what comes from all this pretty spatting...

of course you are correct a440 & you dex, as usual are technically correct - the best kind*

*futurama ref.

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