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play atrac3(plus) with windows media player

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Hi people,

I'm new at this forum so i'll introduce myself first.

I'm a fanatic MD / HI-MD user for several years now. I'm 17 years old and live in the netherlands.

I'm not familliar with the rules of this forum so please help me if i'm doing someting wrong.

I have discovered a way to play your atrac3(+) files with windows media player.

I don't know if anyone has done this before, but I thought it couldn't hurt anyone if I share it.

here's what t do:

download the winamp atrac3 plugin. it's a .dll file.

put this file in the following directory: C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player

and you're done!

now you can play your atrac files with WMP.

I hope it's usefull.

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Hello R.Sabel and welcome to the forums! nice first post I must say.

I don't know if there's any "written rules" for this forum but here are some recomendations:

1) careful with the language

2) don't post things that are already posted by someone else

3) always post in the correct section of the forums (I mean if you have a question about SonicStage, post it in the Software section)

4) be kind to other people , since everybody here is kind and helpful to each other.

I think that's all I can say. Enjoy the forums

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