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Colour of the screen changes.........Help me !

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Hey Guys ,

Every Now & then my computer screen changes colour with some stripped blocks ... :wacko::wacko:

In this picture there are only two stripped blocks that you will see under red labeling ..Just after few minutes screen is full of these blocks & my computer freezezs(sp??

I have tried to upgrade my Video card drivers but till now nothing is working out .. :(:(:wacko::wacko::wacko:-_--_-:(

IPB Image

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is the fan on your video card working stuge? it looks like a problem with the card not with the drivers. do you have another card you can swap out to see if the same effects happen?

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Thanks Adrain for all the help but Now It has been confirmed now that My Video card has died or bad video card .. It served me for about three years & now it is gone -_--_-

Right Now i`M USING MY ONBOARD Card which has made my pc sluggish ;) .I salute my old video card

I`m for a new Video card now ..

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i'd say something got damaged when you cleaned the dust out, it could have been anything, even a small static build up.

it's what i expected as the same thing once happened to me

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i'd say something got damaged when you cleaned the dust out, it could have been anything, even a small static build up.

it's what i expected as the same thing once happened to me

Not sure but since i will upgrade my PC next year ..so whihc card should i buy now ..I think i should go for Geforce 6200(AGP ) b`coz I CAN`T USE PCI-E CARDS ON MY MOTHERBOARD RIGHT NOW .

As 6200)256mb) is avalable here for about $100

& 6600(256mb) is available for about $250-300)

can`t buy Geforce 6800 as cost is quite high more than $400(US) here ...& my pc can`t support it right now .

what are your thoughts ??

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