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Upload capable Hi-MD recorders

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Hi there, I finally decided to buy a Hi-MD Recorder and was looking for one that features upload of line/optical-in recorded music to the PC, as I understand it there is the RH10, RH910, RH710 and NH1 that can do that. Is this right? Since I didn't want so spend a lot of money, I'd go for the RH710 then, any special advice you can give me about that unit? Oh and it would be nice if there was some hacked firmware that added features to it. Is there?


I am also looking at the NH700 because of it's Mic-In. What are the differences between the RH710 and the NH700 besides the former not having a Mic-In.

Both can be fed music via USB, both can record music via line/optical-in (and mic-in for the NH700), both can upload the recorded music to a PC and both can be used as a mass storage device for .doc files and so on. Is all this correct?

Edited by yoda_143
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You could always check the equipment browsers on www.minidisc.org .. but here are some key diffs between these models:

NH700 [1st-gen]: records in legacy MD modes [MD/LP recordings cannot be uploaded with this unit]; has mic preamp

RH710 [2nd-gen]: has native but buggy MP3 support; lacks mic preamp; north american [710D] has no line/optical input; does not record in legacy MD modes [does play them]

AFAIK those are the key differences, other than cosmetics such as display layout and the key arrangement.

I have a NH700 and an RH10 and use both of them interchangeably. The lack of a mic preamp on the 710 would make it next to useless for my purposes.

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I just noticed another difference: the NH700 has USB 1.1 and the RH710 has USB 2.0

How does this affect up/download rates when copying music, or other data files to it?

I am pretty sure that the difference in USB standard makes no difference as the read/write speeds of the Hi-MD standard don't break the USB 1.1 threshold. Summarily, it won't make a difference.

Someone confirm this please.

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I am pretty sure that the difference in USB standard makes no difference as the read/write speeds of the Hi-MD standard don't break the USB 1.1 threshold. Summarily, it won't make a difference.

Someone confirm this please.

Yep, that is correct.

Edited by raintheory
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