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Reducing filesize of existing Hi-SP recordings

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Kevin J

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I recorded a 5 hour interview in Hi-SP format (Atrac3plus/256kbps) using my RH910 and uploaded them into SS ver 3.4. The recording spans 33 tracks of varying lengths.

I then used SS to burn the 5 hr interview to audio CD (as is...no conversion), which took 4 standard 700MB/80 min CDs. The resulting CDs sound great. However, I'd like to be able to burn a copy of the interview which will perhaps fit onto 2 CDs, maximum. I know I could have recorded in Hi-LP mode, but I wanted to have a master copy with decent audio fidelity, so Hi-SP was a good tradeoff.

So, is there a way to transcode/convert the existing Hi-SP files into smaller filesizes (either within SS, or with some other freeware) so that the 33 track interview will perhaps fit on 2 Cds? I realize the audio quality may degrade a bit in the process.

The only requirement I have is that the CDs I burn must be playable on a standard home/car CD player.

~ peace, Kevin J

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i donno; but if it was me; and; most ppl and homes have DVD players; i (rayzray) would put all 5 CD's on a DVD (probably with visual efx).

in a world of DVD players and DVD playing Laptops etc; that is i great alternative.

i myself am starting to store a LOT of my audio on DVD.

as far a CD's; out of my league if it's not real time and PCM; DMC; and PCD!

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The bottom line is that you're not going to get more than 80 minutes on a standard audio CD. If you have a CD player that can decode MP3 or atrac files, then you could fit the whole interview on 2 CDs. But then that won't meet your requirement that the CDs you burn be playable on a standard home/car CD player.

5 hours = 60minutes x 5 = 300 minutes

300 minutes / 80 minute CDs = 3.75

It looks like you're stuck with four discs.

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