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Sony MZ-R37

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I just bought a Sony MZ-R37 MD recorder to record band rehearsals and play along with them for practice. I was trying it out with a minidisc that had some material on it, and after trying to record, I couldn't play anything on the disc. The unit does record, but now I'm afraid to use it with previous material on the disc. i also would like to recover what I had on that minidisc. Any suggestions? Thank you for your response.


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What unit and what kind of disc did you use to record the earlier material on the disc?

The MZ-R37 only records (and plays) in SP. If you recorded material with a later model MD in LP2 or LP4, the R37 cannot play those tracks. They should still play in an

MDLP-capable model.

The disc should say 74 or 80 on it. If you were trying to use a 1GB Hi-MD in the R37, it's the same size as a regular MD, but it probably won't play back anything at all.

Your best experiment would be to get a blank 74- or 80-minute disc and see what you can record on the R37.

Edited by A440
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  • 4 weeks later...

I just bought a Sony MZ-R37 MD recorder to record band rehearsals and play along with them for practice. I was trying it out with a minidisc that had some material on it, and after trying to record, I couldn't play anything on the disc. The unit does record, but now I'm afraid to use it with previous material on the disc. i also would like to recover what I had on that minidisc. Any suggestions? Thank you for your response.


I believe in order to record from the end of a previous recording you have to hit the end search button, I taped over one of my best recordings because of that darned R37. Make sure you have blank minidiscs if you are concerned. Also, remember to hit end search so it goes to the end of the previous minidisc recordings to start recording. Of course I'm citing this all from memory, I could be wrong since I don't have the manual or the machine in front of me.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, the dreaded End Search button. That was one of the main things I hated about my MZ-R35. I can sort of understand why Sony might have done it, perhaps to make using an MD more like using a cassette tape, so you basically record from where you last pressed stop. Still a daft idea though.

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  • 11 months later...

Yes, the dreaded End Search button. That was one of the main things I hated about my MZ-R35. I can sort of understand why Sony might have done it, perhaps to make using an MD more like using a cassette tape, so you basically record from where you last pressed stop. Still a daft idea though.

Am I right in thinking that, on the MZ-R37, unless you take the MD out, it will automatically go to the end of the last recording when you power it up by pressing play? How do more recent models deal with not wiping out your previous material when you go into record mode?

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