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Minidiscussion Has Permamently Closed


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That's too bad. When I got my N505 from a friend who abandoned the MD format, MiniDiscussion was one of 2 websites that was recommended to me.

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Well...What can I say... I didn't even know that site existed until you mentioned its closedown!

Anyway, MD's NOT DEAD ! ! !

I've seen the future of MD as "Blu-Ray-MiniDisc" since two years and it will probably take at least another two or five years to have those units, which are: Blue-Ray-MiniDisc-HiMD-Walkman-Audio/HDV-recorder and Camcorder/Photocamera/Data-Recorders all in one with a 3,5' OLED-color display and increased full USB 2.0-compliant-reading/writing-accessability :) In other words: The external buy-on universal early-21st century floppy drive.

Or why else do you seriously think Sony is putting all its efforts into MD and Blue-Ray, two supposedly "delayed" technologies? THINK BIG!

I'll wait and see and dream and hope that Sony looks into the forums for MD-user's advice and comments. Please don't tell me that I might be wrong...

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wow, seems like a really long time ago that i got my r70 and went to that site to find out more about md. then i found the MDCF when minidiscussion started getting really bad with spammers. haven't been to it more than once since then, still, it's too bad. at least everything's archived.

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Hi everyone,

Glad that people found the MiniDiscussion site useful. I used to moderate all the boards and delete all spam messages, but it got to a point where I couldn't keep up with it all anymore. The site has run completely unmaintained for the last several years, and the boards really fell apart because of that.

Anyone interested in the MiniDiscussion.com domain name? Or the website? I'm done with it, and am happy to host an archived copy of the site on my own domain, but if someone sees some fun in making a project out of this, feel free to drop me an e-mail at ericwhitney@minidiscussion.com.



MiniDiscussion Webmaster (1999-2006)

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Thats to bad about the site, But minidisc's will live on!!!!

On a side note I am waiting for the sonystyle store to get in the MZ-RH1. I will have to wait a bit longer until they come to the states. (Still nothing on their website!!) :(

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