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Emergency Fix for Damaged Mics

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I've lost the right channel of my mics. Presumably it's just a loose wire because I can get it back with some wiggling! Obviously I need to get some new ones - I've not got the time, equipment or skill to take them apart and put them back together - but with 3 concerts this week alone, and one tonight, what can I do for now?

Should I remove the right caplet with a pair of scissors (ouch! :o ) to record in mono (and double up the tracks in Audacity?) or leave it as it is and hope that I get at least half a concert in glorious stereo???



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I wouldn't disassemble them unless you know what you're doing. Until the replacement arrives, you can duplicate the intact channel or remove the defective channel via software so that you have to live with monoaural recordings for a while. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Thanks Guys

I decided to leave the mics intact! I couldn't bring myself to take them apart never mind remove the faulty caplet. From last night's recording I've got most of the recording in mono (left channel) but one middle section of the concert in stereo (about 3 minutes). At least it will be fun to experiment in audacity to patch it up.


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