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Sonic Stage and linux?

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Sonic stage is moving to be mac compatiable,

Why isn't there and sign of linux compatably?

There isn't a itunes for linux either, why dousn't sony get on step ahead of apple in terms of sofware compatability?

yeh yeh, I know you can transfer files to an ipod on linux but it still isn't official software! :P

Hi-MD cannot be used at all on linux.

Anyway what do you think?

(yeh I'm a linux user)

Edited by danielbb90
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yes, sony is a huge pack of morons. This is, in my mind the best format for digital music. The quality, battery life, and expandability make it amazing and sony simply has no idea how to set the product up for use. Sonic stage and no platform support outside of windows, its a shame. If it were drag and drop, it would instantly be a huge source of revenue for them.

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