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Problems with some USB live recording transfers

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I am using my new Sony RH1 to do a USB transfer of some previously recorded band rehearsals (With my Sharp minidisc) live recordings in LP2 format. Using the sonic stage 4 program. I am using SS4 to convert them to wave, and they seem as if they are OK, everything zips right along, and all songs sound OK. But, when burning to CD, a couple of these tunes slow down the burning process to a crawl, and they have errors (some static or digital interruptions) upon playback in a cd player. I have downloaded the tracks a second time from the RH1. I have tried burning with both musicmatch jukebox, and EZ cd creator. I have also edited, compressed, and normalized the tracks with Audacity. I tried closing every open program I could on the computer while burning. None of these has eliminated the problem.

I have come to the conclusion that there must have been some minor write errors on the original minidisc recordings. I have been unable on this forum to find much discussion about SS4, or our new capability of digital uploads of old recordings, made possible with the RH1. Any ideas? Any similar experiences?

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have you listened back to the tracks on your PC? and have you studied the relevant parts as waveform in audacity or something like it? If the problem parts do not show as strange sectors in the waveform, I very much doubt it that the minidisc recording or the uploading/converting to wav cause the problem...

this sounds to me (but I am not really computer savvy, mind you) like a problem burning cds. Have you tried just burning a cd not from old recordings? Does that cause errors as well?

otherwise, please read and post according to the rules so we can get all possible additional info and try to help you further

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