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RH1 display: am I being silly?

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I changed the display properties to Auto Off on my RH1, despite the fact that I preferred to have it on all the time (nice to glance over whilst it's playing and see the levels, track number, etc.). I did this to conserve battery life and, more importantly, conserve the lifetime of the display itself.

I've noticed that it doesn't make an awful lot of difference to battery life - not for me to really worry about, anyway. But I have read that the OLED displays don't last very long and fade through use. The OLED display on my A1000 can't be made to stay on permanently, which I think says a lot. Any thoughts?


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Well one good thing (at least for some people) is that even if the OLED dies out after 14 or so years (this is assuming the unit still functions) the recording levels can be seen and set via the RM-MC40ELK remote...

As far as the MZ-RH1 lasting 14 years... We'll have to wait and see. We have a MZ-1 that was purchased in '93 that still works, but also a MZ-N707 purchased much more recently that has died..

Only time will tell. :)

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Well one good thing (at least for some people) is that even if the OLED dies out after 14 or so years (this is assuming the unit still functions) the recording levels can be seen and set via the RM-MC40ELK remote...

As far as the MZ-RH1 lasting 14 years... We'll have to wait and see. We have a MZ-1 that was purchased in '93 that still works, but also a MZ-N707 purchased much more recently that has died..

Only time will tell. :)

I have never understood why sony hasn't made all remotes compatible with all units (at least with hi-md units). It would be great to use all the functionality of all of them.May be it is not possible for any reason :huh:


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>approximately 10,000 hours, which translates to roughly 14 years with an average of 2 hours per day use. Do you use it more than that?

No, I don't, and I hope you're right about the 10,000 hours :)

>recording levels can be seen and set via the RM-MC40ELK remote...

So they can, and I have one with my NH1!

Thanks for that, guys. I wonder what others who own the RH1 have their displays set to...


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