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Sonic Stage 4.0 conversion

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Well, here's another one I don't understand... I've purchased an album from Connect, and downloaded it to my PC. It will play fine, but I thought it would be good to convert the songs and leave off the DRM (box is unchecked).

It will start the conversion but at 50% through this message pops up: Sonic Stage 00000908-7483 Cannot convert specified track. Possible reasons may include: track can't be found (but it plays fine); SonicStage doesn't support file format of track (it's OpenMG Audio); track is copyright protected.

Having read about the conversion method to allow storage of songs in my choice of file types and without DRM, I was surprised to run into this issue. I was trying to convert to Atrac3plus. If I keep the file the same (Atrac3) but without the box checked for DRM, it pops up this message immediately.



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ah... the 'converting to get rid of DRM'-trick naturally only works for tracks Sony has finally realized do not need copy protection (like your own recordings or rips of your own CD's) but whn it comes to online bought tracks they still think crippling them with DRM is the only solution to prevent us all from robbing record companies etc. :P (as if)

in short, DRM was invented to prevent just what you are trying to do :lol: it is there so you cannot share or backup that track without Sony knowing and approving... as a matter of fact, you didn't buy the track, you simply bought the permission from Sony to use that track as they see fit... and removing DRM isn't approved :lol:

bottom line? do not buy from online stores like iTunes, Connect etc. I wouldn't really recommend shopping from semi-illegal (legal in Russia :D ) stores like allofMP3.com (though I can understand ppl who do) or to go P2P (too much crap going round to be worth it IMHO) but just see what interesting stuff is in your friends' collection for starters and buy (ON CD!! at least demand a booklet when the big companies take your money or better, support local/indy bands) what you wish to keep

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ah... the 'converting to get rid of DRM'-trick naturally only works for tracks Sony has finally realized do not need copy protection (like your own recordings or rips of your own CD's) but whn it comes to online bought tracks they still think crippling them with DRM is the only solution to prevent us all from robbing record companies etc. :P (as if)

in short, DRM was invented to prevent just what you are trying to do :lol: it is there so you cannot share or backup that track without Sony knowing and approving... as a matter of fact, you didn't buy the track, you simply bought the permission from Sony to use that track as they see fit... and removing DRM isn't approved :lol:

bottom line? do not buy from online stores like iTunes, Connect etc. I wouldn't really recommend shopping from semi-illegal (legal in Russia :D ) stores like allofMP3.com (though I can understand ppl who do) or to go P2P (too much crap going round to be worth it IMHO) but just see what interesting stuff is in your friends' collection for starters and buy (ON CD!! at least demand a booklet when the big companies take your money or better, support local/indy bands) what you wish to keep

Got it - thanks very much!!


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