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A question about shuffling music?

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Hi, (to moderators..not sure where i shouldve posted this so if u want to move it to wherever it goes if its not here ....)

I had a MH600D and i was just wondering how u get the player to suffle through ALL the songs on the disc?? Is their a way? I know that you can shuffle through 'group's but i wish there was a way to make it shuffle through ALL the groups on my DISC so i had alot of variety. :( Does anyone know how to do this? It'd be greatly appreciated :)

Btw i used to record in hi-sp and low-sp but it updated (sonicstage) does anyone know what the equivalent of that is? 64bit or 192bit or? .....

Thanx for your guys time. I dont know if i could shuffle the whole disc through 'bookmarks' cuase i dont know exactly how to use that feature yet.

Thanx all :)

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- if you set the playback mode to normal (instead of group play) you should actually shuffle through all tracks

- the update of SS just gave us extra bitrates, some we can use with HiMD, some we can't:

the old ones HiSP (256bkps) and HiLP (64 kbps) and PCM (full CD quality at 1411kbps) are still there, as are the older NetMD things: LP2 (132kbps) and fake SP (292kbps but at the qualiy of LP2 or even slightly lower)

I don't really know what new ones work with HiMD and I'm not near my PC (typing this on a mac :lol: ), so I can't check, but I do know that 192kbps and 352kbps do work with all HiMD's

PS: all this can be found in a.) the NH600D's user manual (older bitrates and shuffle play); b.) SS-help (newer bitrates) and c.) all over this forum (all issues and the NH600D's user manual as well)... so perhaps search a bit before opening a new thread :D

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About the modes:

Hi-SP = 256kbps

Hi-LP = 64kbps (4x smaller files, but potentially lower fidelity)

Never heard of low-sp before.

About the shuffle issue: Pess the navi/menu button for less than one second and select normal instead of group. It will shoffle through the whole disc, ignoring groups completely.

edit: volta was faster

Edited by greenmachine
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