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LIP-4WM Battery Question

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Seems like threads related to batteries are the hype now, so might as well jump on the band wagon. I always charge the lip-4wm when my rh1 starts to flash, but i was wondering if i could play it until it died. i am only worried about discharging it too much. Or maybe it is ok? Also is it just me or does the first few bars go pretty quickly and the last bar seems to never die. Anyways keep on rocking/recording/hacking or whatever you do on your md. :lol:

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if you play till it turns itself off there shouldn't be a problem (LiIon in newer gear is almost always protected against deep discharging by shutting off a bit before full depletion) it is only if you start it up again and again after it has already turned itself off that there is a danger I guess

the point is, you do not have to use it till it is empty (unlike with NiMH)... just plug it in to charge when you ahve the chance (this will often be long before it starts flashing)

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  • 2 weeks later...

sparda... reread the thread... most just say: top it off (i.e. charge it whenever you can till it is full no matter whether it is depleted or not) and for further info read 'www.batteryuniverity.com' on LiION batteries... it is all in there

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