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SonicStage Database Problem

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Im trying to run Sonic Stage 3.0

I already got it instaled from the CD i got with the MP3...

And when i press the Sonic Stage (try to run) icon i get up a pop up Updating Sonic Stage database (something like that)

and it says that Sonic Stage will automaticly restart when done..

and there is only an OK button...

I press it and the comes a new pop up for 0.50 sec and disapears!

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First, get a better version of SonicStage. Look in Downloads (upper left) for the 3.4 installer or get the 4.0 installer from here:


You may have a firewall preventing SonicStage from installing or from loading fully. Once you get the installers downloaded, disconnect from the internet, turn off all Internet Security/Antivirus/Firewall etc. and try running the new installer. (Don't forget to turn on the security software before you reconnect.)

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I don't know why you can't download it. You have to log in again, but then it should be easy to download. Maybe you have javascript blocked on your browser, or your ISP doesn't want you to download .exe files for fear of viruses.

Anyway, I sent it to you in a PM.

Edited by A440
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When i press that i get a lot of letters and then an error..


i press dont send or send every enternet Explorer window shots down

and i dont understand...

can we try something diferent than that repair tool?

i donwloaded it from another link but some stupid errors coming out when trying to run it

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Im sure i got no VIRUS cuzz im using 2 best antiviruses

and automatick updates...



Antivirus scan every day on my computer..

And something like automaticly detect virus

Got spyrevare,fireval,nod32...

When im instaling it it says i have no instaled any macroopol thing so i need to pay it to use it


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Karlo if I understand correctly you have resolved the other issues and now need clarification on running the MDAC repair tool (CSRepair)?

If so you need to click the "Re-register MDAC" button. Then in the tab marked "Jet", click on the "Re-register Jet" button.

Exit the utility and try re-starting Sonic Stage.

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Is it possible that you have too many security programs running at once?

How about if you disconnect from the Internet and turn off each security program--firewall, spyware, antivirus--one at a time, and try to run SonicStage each time. Maybe the firewall in particular is not letting a SonicStage component load.

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It sounds like you have a problem with Windows, especially if you are using a bootleg (non-Genuine) copy.

Try this.

Start/Run and type in cmd and press Enter.

A black window will pop up.

Type in sfc/scannow and hit Enter.

SFC is System File Checker. It will scan all your Windows files--it will take a while--and fix problems if it finds them. It may not do anything for you.

Other than that, all I can suggest is installing a genuine copy of Windows. Aren't you having any problems with any other programs besides SonicStage?

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Having more than 1 antivirus program installed at one time is a guaranteed way to have problems.

Uninstall one of them (preferably both, then re-install the best one).

It's quite possible you DO have spyware (anti-virus programs do not always catch spyware), and it sounds like your PC has many other problems. SS needs a pretty solid computer installation, and if you are having any other issues, SS only tends to make things worse.

Edited by Justin42
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I reinstaled my whole computer with Service pack 3,30 min ago...

And got only 1 antivirus.

instaled SonicStage 4.0 and got all the same..

the pop up CONVERTIN something just disapears..


i runed the black thing..

and typed in the scannow thing and it doesent scan

some error saying its not posible i odnt know..


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I hope you mean SP2. There is no SP3.

Don't worry about Scannow if you have a whole new Windows.

Something is getting in the way of SonicStage working. You need to try and figure out what that is.

Do you have any skinning software, like Windowblinds? You need to turn it off for SonicStage to work.

Is the Windows Firewall automatically on? Get offline and turn it off.

What antivirus are you using?

If you press CTRL-ALT-DELETE all together--just once--Task Manager should pop up. Look at Applications and see if something unexpected is running. Also look at Processes, which will be a long list. If you can't figure out what they are, use Google to find out by typing in the filename, like wmiprvse.exe (which is part of Windows, not part of your problem).

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