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Labeling system for mini disc collection?

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I'm sure many have their own systems of cataloging their mini disc collections. Since I'm just starting out with mini disc and I'm a podcaster I want to be able to archive old shows as well as a lot of the crude audio I recorded in the first place. I used direct mp3 recording before and was either storing on CD, uploading to GSpace(ie: using a Gmail account) or simply deleting old audio.

In podcasting how you name your file is very important as in the file naming protocol a slip up can throw out the order the files as they arranged in a computer or device folder alphabetically or numerically

That usually means you employ something like 20070119RRN1 for the file name and work up your ID tags with dating in mind and maybe subject/title But working the date tag as your main marker. so that it is [DATE] [PODCAST NAME] [sHOW NUMBER]

Since there are a lot of options with minidisc labelling I'm a bit lost as to where to start. Surely this is a topic addressed by many?

I use a MZ NH700 and I employ it for live recording.

I'd also appreciate some pointers on storage systems -- boxes and the like. -- for protection and easy access. I live in a mini disc backwater here in Australia and so there is no easy tete a tete on such matters.

I also wonder what system people use for marking in the field as I haven't mastered those fiddly bits yet. On radio we are taught to label each disc with voice but that doesn't explain how to tag each recording you make over any period while the audio is still in the machine. By date? Subject? By order?

After using mp3 devices to r4cord -- iriver ifp 700 -- the options available from mini discs is a bit overwhelming.

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Greetings and welcome to the board. I use the MD as intermediary steps only. I upload to the PC and catalog(ue) them there. A standard music traders system is AAYYYYMMDDTTLLLLL

AA is an abbreviated form of the artist or group name; can be more than 2 letters

YYYY - four digit year

MM - two digit month

DD - two digit day

TT - two digit track number

LL... - label as long as it takes.

I also like to use foobar2000 to manage the tags for FLAC and MP3 files and also to play them. It is free and can be easily downloaded. Use Google to find it.

There are a myriad of schemes. This one is at least a starting point. Have some Vegemite for me, mate! ;o)


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