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Problem with SonicStage 4.3

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I just upgraded to SonicStage 4.3. While trying to transfer some live recordings (recorded with my MZ-RH1) from my Library to a new CD, the audio transfer to cd fails with a "cannot transfer" message on the last track of the list.

Shortening the list has no effect: the error message always refers to the actual last track being transferred.

Now, with all previous SonicStages (4.2 included) I had no problem whatsoever. I literally transferred hundreds of songs. Now with SS4.3 I have this bizarre phenomenon.

Did anybody else had a similar problem?

Thanks for any help


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After having a couple of BSODs with SS43 while transferring to my RH1, I reverted back to SS42, and have no problems ever since.


Anybody here knows where I can download SS4.2?

On the Sony website I can only find the new 4.3. Is there

any complete executable package of SS4.2 available




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  • 2 weeks later...

^M0rk^, I am afraid that answering you requests violates the rules of this forum. So, just PM me, and ask for the regional version that you need.

Nevermind, thanks. I already found what I was looking for.

I reverted back from 4.3 to 4.2, and the problem was magically solved.

Now I can transfer to CD once again :)



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