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Uploading WAV files to Mac

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Everything I record on my Mz-RH1 (Hi-MD) from the computer is digital (ATRAC3plus, 256kbps). When I upload this to my Mac the file is then WAV. Is the music now still digital or has the quality been diminished? If the music is then downloaded to a new HiMD will the music quality be the same as the original and is it still a digital file? Thanks.

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Uploading a 256kbps Atrac3+ file to a Mac will result in a digital WAV file that is the same quality as the 256kbps Atrac3+ file that you recorded. The file will be much larger due to being an uncompressed WAV file. If you download that WAV file to another Hi-MD it will take up much more space as a WAV, but retain the original quality.

You're better off recording in PCM if you are concerned about quality.

You can always convert the WAV files you upload to mp3 and drop them onto another Hi-MD disc. This is frowned upon by most, as it is transcoding, but let your own ears decide if you can tell the difference.

Hope this helps some. The compatibility with Mac has come a long way, but still leaves much to be desired.

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