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How direct uploads in Sonic Stage to Other Drive

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You can specify the location of "My Library". But you are better off following this thread in order to remove DRM from your uploads before moving them around: http://forums.minidisc.org/index.php?showtopic=16088

If you have the files on a separate drive without removing DRM first, you run the risk of not being able to use the files if something happens to your SonicStage install, or if you try to use the files on another computer.

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SS may get really crazy if it is on a removable drive, and the drive is removed, and SS is started. Even without DRM...

SS works fine on an external drive in my experience, it's best to assign the drive a permanent drive letter via the disk managment snap-in in Windows. If you do start up SS after you have moved your library to an external drive and forget to power up the drive, it doesn't do too much. It loads fine but obviously can't find any cover art or play any tracks. It doesn't come up with any errors unless you try to play a track and normally powering up the drive and restarting SS is fine.

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