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AT-Pro24 vs. Sony ECM-MS907 mics

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I'm a new minidisc recorder owner (Mz-RH1) who now needs to choose a good one-point stereo mic. Has anyone compared an AudioTechnica-Pro24 to the Sony ECM-907 for sound quality and durability?

Like 2 months ago I was looking for a One-point Stereo Mic and after a lot of research I bought the Nady CM-2S. From what I read so far the At Pro 24 and Sony ECM-907 are both good choices but with a few more dlls you can get the Nady and its a better option than those Mics.

One of the best options in the Market is the AT 822 but its a bit pricey compared to those mics. People that have the Sony ECM-907 say that it has great Stereo separation its also an Old Mic with nice reputation.

I was in the same situation as you because I was going to buy the Sony ECM-907 or the At Pro 24 but in the end I bought the Nady CM-2S because I read owner comments and heared some samples and I knew it was the Mic I was looking for.

So I reccomend you to Search the Forums and you'll see lots of topics with information regarding the Microphones you wanna get.

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Thanks Antala. I searched the forum earlier and didn't find the mic information I was looking for.

I am an owner of the AT 822 and can testify to it , I practically dont use anything else on MD , it is worth the investment

Audio Techica AT-822 one point Stereo , Freq Response 30 hz - 20 Khz selfpowered (AA Battery)


Perfect companion to the RH1

Edited by Guitarfxr
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Audio Techica AT-822 one point Stereo , Freq Response 30 hz - 20 Khz selfpowered (AA Battery)


Perfect companion to the RH1

I also have an AT (ATR25, powered with AA). Tried to use it with RH1 through LINE IN - nothing. The best results got from MIC IN with sensibility set to LOW (with HIGH it records talks in the neighbor flat!:)). How is AT-822 through LINE IN? I'm afraid I can demage MIC IN when using a AA-powered mic... silly?

One more question - what is the best way to reduce static noise after recording? Or just to make lower rec level while session?

Edited by Andrej
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