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Hungry Hungry iPod eats Right Drivers!

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Seems as though iPods have an unquenchable hunger for right drivers in many headphones.

What I want to know is, where's the freaking outrage over this? If this situation happens with Sony, Creative, Rio, Sandisk, the ENTIRE INTARWEB would be up in arms. When it's apple, where's the outrage?

Oh wait, I did forget that Apple can do no wrong.

Silly me.

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:D The phrase 'HAHA! Suckaz!' comes to mind.

I only read the first page but it does look like Damage as a very good point. No-one seems real bothered about it.

Apple should re-call the devices.

Just jumped to page three this is pricelss.

"I'm going to take my chances with my Future Sonics EM3's. They cost me $99"

Because it couldn't possible be the fault of the iPod.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Stuge

I think this a big flaw in I-pod but I`m amazed that Apple still has done noting to resolve this & I`m even further amazed that people are still buying this crap .

This flaw looks bigger than the Connect software ..

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The flaw is much bigger but it's not as noticeable in the sense that it's harder to identify the player as the culprit.

Earphones are notorious for breaking fast (probably due to the conditions they are exposed to). By the time you realize it's your player breaking them, you've already changed a number of pairs, and much time has elapsed.

The defect which burns only one side of the headphones is too bizarre to be associated with the player. There are no moving mechanical parts, no big electric current passing through... Simply put, the chances that the player broke the headphone is lower than the chance that the earphone was exposed to external conditions which broke it, or was simply defective.

The broken headphone problem takes time to develop. When you get a badly working Connect player, it slaps you in the face, and takes control of your computer almost immediately. When it works, it's great. But when it doesn't, it's an immediate, and significantly painful experience. It's frustrating on its own, but add to that the fact that you bought a new guizmo and you can't even use it.

Well, there's that and the fact that Apple fanpersons are simply overzealous about their iPoos.

Edited by Dinko
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Guest Stuge

Ok Ok ,I don`t` mean that Connect is good or something .Using some cheaper is not a problem But if we use some costly $300 headphone with I-pod that means we are going to lose them after sometime thats really bad ..

I hope Apple solves this issue in their comming I-pods ..

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I hope Apple solves this issue in their comming I-pods ..


More likely:

- iPoo will continue to destroy earphones

- Apple will release Apple-branded earphones which can resist destruction

- Any earphone other than the Apple-branded iPoo earphone will be annihilated by iPoo

So iPod used will be stuck using Apple earphones forever. iPod fans will call it "The best invention in the history of the world" and argue that anyone pointing out the flaws of such a magnificent system is just jealous because Sony didn't invent it first. :D

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well the only decent way 2 get good sound from an ipod is too buy really expensive headphones, which still doesnt fix distortion, makes bass still sound weak, and then blows the right driver of your £100 headphones.


P.S. - Apple now swap any ipod headphones that break free of charge, but then again those headphones suck so why would you want another pair. :huh:

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