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My own Apology to MDCF

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Guy's ,

I just want to say , that , I got to uptight when dealing with a couple of situations , and I let things get out of control .

I will most definately exersize more self control , and do my best to respect the enviornment , and decorum of these boards .

This is in fact Basically the only forum I belong to. So it is Kind of important to me , and maybe I take things a little too personally .

Forgive me , and allow me a little room for my eccentricity .


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No problem - we all have our ups and downs and good and bad days. You have a reputation as a valued contributor here and that's intact.

Here in Australia we're looking at late Sept before the H2 arrives. When mine gets here I'll post a careful and objective comparison with the RH-1 with a variety of compatible mics and hopefully that will be useful info for those looking, reluctantly, towards moving to non-Hi-MD hardware down the track.

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Thx Pete , I needed that .

yeah ;; Pete IS right-- we all have our ups and downs-- i (rayzray) am KING or ups and downs-- frowns and smiles;; styles and bordum..

you would be missed on this board;; at least i would miss you ;; more than anything in this whole world;; i ()rayzray) am a "Musician";; then Music/audio;; then elec bling blings (outdated ones) but;; tested ones..

only time will tell MY destiny;; let's hope time is stretched to the limit for u..

measure me (rayzray) in inches;; measure u in yards;; no miles..

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yeah ;; Pete IS right-- we all have our ups and downs-- i (rayzray) am KING or ups and downs-- frowns and smiles;; styles and bordum..

you would be missed on this board;; at least i would miss you ;; more than anything in this whole world;; i ()rayzray) am a "Musician";; then Music/audio;; then elec bling blings (outdated ones) but;; tested ones..

only time will tell MY destiny;; let's hope time is stretched to the limit for u..

measure me (rayzray) in inches;; measure u in yards;; no miles..

Thank you Ray .

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