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MZ-RH10 Help...

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(I wasn't sure where exactly to post this, so if it needs moved, have at it!)

I mentioned in an earlier post that I had dropped my RH10 and the OLED is now dead.. I haven't been able to get the OLED working, but the unit still works fine. I do own the RM-MC40ELK remote, so if I can get into manual record via the unit, I can see/adjust the levels on the remote..


Can somebody please post the steps to get the unit into manual record?

For example:

- Hold menu,

- Scroll down x number of clicks, press enter.

- Scroll down x clicks

- etc. etc. etc.

The least number of steps, the better... So if you can scroll up instead of down in fewer clicks, that would be preferred.

I know plenty of folks here have the RH10/RH910, and this would only take a few minutes of your time and really help me out. I'd like to print up a small sticky to put on back of the unit with the steps so I can use this recorder without the god-awful AGC default.

Thanks in advance!

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All I get is:




While accessing the menu via the remote. No Rec-Settings, even under option.

so if you scroll the menu on the MD , it doesnt show the action on the remote? that sux , what I meant was to use the menu buttons on the MD while WATCHING the remote , Not using the remote .

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No option in the remote for advanced menu... I think you have to start recording/set to manual mode on the unit itself, then you can go from there.

Come on guys! Where are the RH10 users?! Or RH910, or M10/M100 for that matter?

Really want to be able to record with this again, please help me out! All I need is a list of the steps, as if I were blind and trying to set the unit to manual record :)

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I have the MZ-NH700, not a second-gen unit, so take the following with a grain of salt but...

Disc in and REC/PAUSE

Menu...two clicks up to Rec Set....one click down to Rec Volume...one click down to Manual. With the RM-MC40ELK you can then turn the wheel to change the Rec Level.

Doesn't someone have an RH10 who can offer a similar set of directions?

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Do you remember if you were in simple or advanced mode before the accident happened?

If you are in advanced mode, put a disc in and set to REC pause.

From there, according to the manual, pages 28 and 29 (I don't have a RH10 myself):

- Hold menu (2sec) to enter the menu

- Scroll up 3 clicks, press enter to enter "REC Settings"

- Scroll down 1 click, press enter to enter "REC Level"

- Scroll down 1 click, press enter to select "Manual" (not 100% sure about this step)

If this doesn't work, you're probably in simple mode. In this case:

- Hold menu (2sec) to enter the menu

- Scroll up 1 click, press enter to enter "Option"

- Without scrolling, press enter to enter "Menu Mode"

- Scroll down 1 click, press enter to select "Advanced" (not 100% sure about this step)

Here's an essential excerpt from the manual to help you navigating through the menu blindly:


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Thanks guys, I got it to work!

I'll print out that excerpt from the manual.

Figures all I really needed to do was "RTM" hehe. I really didn't even think the information would be in the manual in order like that.

It doesn't help that my click wheel on the unit has always been funny at times... Also I had to set it to low mic sensitivity as well, so that manual excerpt really helped with that.


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