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Bass shakes my MZ-M200 and I get skips and errors....

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Hi all, new to the boards (and new to MD)

I play techno DJ sets at clubs and I also play a live electronic music show at clubs. Both of these situations allow me to easily tap off a soundboard to record. I get awesome sound quality and have no problems whatsoever there. In fact, I figured I'd have no problems at all since I don't have the microphone woes anyone else would stumble on


The environment at these shows is often extremely loud and extremely bassy.

At show #1 my friend recorded with his regular cheap MD player and there were many skips on the recording, but thought it may be his unit

I bought my mz-m200 and at show #2 I recorded -- at this show the bass was so intense that it was shaking our equipment off the table. Sadly, the resulting recording had some tiny skips and short periods of silence in it. EVEN WORSE, when I went home to pull off the recording I kept getting "ACESS ERROR" on the disc.. the only way I was able to retrieve it was recording analog out (ouch!!!!!)

This is obviously a disaster since it's 75% of the reason I got the unit. I think a solution is to probably put some kind of foam underneath the unit.. but what exactly should I use as this foam, and will that route even work?

Thanks so much for any first hand experience and tips,


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There are Blue gell pads , that are for computers to keep vibrations down , they will help , but your dealing with Atmoshperic Vibration as well as physical vibration . That isnt good for MD . You have a Disc spinning at about 4500 rpm's with a Laser imprinting info to the disc . ANY vibration of a Strong consistant nature will throw the Laser tracking off and you will get Disc errors , or completey unreadables.

If you want to use MD in that enviornment , build a small box ,line it with Grey sound foam and isolate the MD from the vibration by putting it in that box , under the box , two of the blue gell pads ( Computer shops will have them or order them ). Then you will get good clean recordings , I have worked with some MAssive sound systems , and I know it is some extra effort , but well worth it . The difference is night and day .

Edited by Guitarfxr
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