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Yamaha md8 and cubase sync for track transfer

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Does anyone know how I might transfer (record) each individual track on my md8 into Cubase and keep them in sync? I need to transfer them one or two at a time. I would think that the MTC from Cubase could control the playback from my md8, but I'm not sure that it would keep all of the tracks in sync. Has anyone ever done this with any sequencing program? Any help would be appreciated.

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What I've done for this using a cassette multitrack (that didnt have dedicated outputs) was recorded a short "clap" at the end of the recording. That way when I recorded all of the tracks separately into Cubase, I just lined the spikes in the waveform at the end up ...

You should be able to do 2 at a time if you can pan each hard left/hard right ahd have 2 mono strips, one for left/right respectively.

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Yes, this works. I've done it. I did this at a time when I was using an interface with only 4 line inputs. So to "upload" an 8-track recording I had to record 4 tracks at a time, go back and with the MTC sync in place, record the other 4 tracks. It's been a long time but I'll try to remember how I did it.

I think I had the MD8 working as a slave to the MTC signals from Cubase. It was sweet because the MD8 followed Cubase clock perfectly. For instance, when paused, if you click along the track's timeline, the MD8 would instantly "jump" to that same time. I have a ton of things going on at home with a new baby and such, so I'm not sure how soon I'll be able to fire this up again. It was just a matter of setting a couple of options in Cubase and on the MD8. It was very easy and pretty intuitive, I got it working in just 15 minutes of fiddling. Give it a try, it works! I'll update this thread when I get a few spare minutes to do this again.

Good luck!

Oh, one more thing. Be absolutely sure to flip the write-protect tab on your data disc before playing with this!! If you have the settings a certain way, then hitting [record] in your Cubase transport will cause the MD8 to start recording! Very bad! I narrowly avoided trashing a treasured recording of mine because luckily it had a lot of blank space at the beginning of it.

Ok then, good luck.

Edited by j-dawg
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Does anyone know how I might transfer (record) each individual track on my md8 into Cubase and keep them in sync? I need to transfer them one or two at a time. I would think that the MTC from Cubase could control the playback from my md8, but I'm not sure that it would keep all of the tracks in sync. Has anyone ever done this with any sequencing program? Any help would be appreciated.

Are you on Windows or Mac , If you go thru a Firewire Mixer , o a USB Mixer that will give seperate ins thru the USB ( A lot of Mixers only come out Stereo , but some are configured to give individual track out ) then record directly from the MD8 into the computer realtime with everything already synced .

If you are on a Mac , I havea small prog I could shoot to you, all it does is record 8 tracks, no bells no whistles , just 8 inputs with meters that is it .

REC for Mac . it just works.

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