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Newbie Question Regarding SonicStage

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Hi there, apologies if this has been asked before or it is a silly question but very new to this all.

I am looking to rip music off 3 CDs that I own and put them all on one minidisc but I do not want any gaps (pauses) between the albums.

Could someone please post what steps are necessary to do this?

Thanks in advance, Paul

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MDSB won't do the trick, since for the last track of the first CD and the first track of the second CD (etc.) to be gapless, they should be encoded in one continuous encoding session.

Not necessarily, if after you record the second album, you manually move the tracks up into the first folder, you end up with a complete folder, you then delete the second empty folder. I t takes about that long, have done it many times


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The original query was that he didn't want gaps between the albums, it is natural on most pop songs to have a gap between songs so you can differentiate between the songs. on album side suites there are also sometimes track spacings, but not gaps again to facilitate song or mood placement. The way I read his query is he didn't want a two or three second gap when going to the next album, the simple burner go around will do that, as well as the track listing in SS, just move everything into one folder.

My interpretation only


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The fact that the music is on 3 seperate physical discs means that in it's current state there will be gaps in the music regardless. Unless the original source was gapless and the current gaps are simply artificial because the music was originally recorded as continuous stream and subsequently split across 3 seperate media, then both the SS or SB methods will result in the same. So I guess either approach is valid.

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