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A view From Japan

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can u really take a picture of the orion nebula with that telescope?

yes , but I would need a Film camera with Manual Shutter , or a much longer exposure time on the Nikon . A motorized Equatorial head , to track correctly while the camera absorbs the light , I looked at Orion thru a 40 mm eyepiece , and I am in the city sortof , so its kind of bright here , but if I get out a little (there is a Mountain range nearby) .

Judging what I saw visually , ......thru both the 40 , and the 25mm eyepeices , ... if I did Eyepeice projection , to film , using 50 or 100 speed, chrome quality for slides , a 1hour exposure and a soft blue filter , then a 30 minute with a red , would produce some pretty nice results .

I am working on a new stand for the scope , I bought it , in bad shape 1 year ago , and have been rebuilding the gears , and everything when I have time , it is almost done . we will see what happens.

Edited by Guitarfxr
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do post the pics of any nebula when u get the chance.

that will be a little while but not too long I hope , I am almost done with the bottom part of my house , then MAYBE my wife will let me have a break ................ ?

I am putting wall panels up today in one room , the frame and insulation are done for half of it , so I will panel that , and ........well you would have to see this place , I will just say that , and that we are Camping indoors.

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Hehe, through the eyepiece shots are what I used to do until I got this:


It's is still not a good enough rig for fainter objects since I don't have a motorized mount. The moon and sun (with a mylar filter) are totally doable though. I still tend to over expose my moon shots. :(


Edited by KrazyIvan
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Hehe, through the eyepiece shots are what I used to do until I got this:


It's is still not a good enough rig for fainter objects since I don't have a motorized mount. The moon and sun (with a mylar filter) are totally doable though. I still tend to over expose my moon shots. :(


are you mooning us!!??


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Hey Ivan , I noticed the blur , on the moon shot , is probably due to Jitter , use the Timer function on the Camera ( so you can push the button , and then let go of it so it will shoot without Jitter ) I think you will get a much better result .Also dont use a Moon filter ....... Use a Cap on the scope .

The dust cap that covers the end of the scope , Does it have a smaller hole with another Cap on it , or is it one solid cap.

if you can set the shutter speed on your camera , to 1/500 , or 1/1000 on a full moon you will get much nicer results.

I used to have one of those little scopes , fun to carry out . Throw in in the trunk and go . motors are cheap , from Orion telescopes . elswhere like Astromart , online a lot of used gear real cheap

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The key word is cheap. The scope is cheap but it does have the smaller cap on the main dust cap. The blur is there because I have not been able to colminate the scope properly. My primary mirror is off just a bit. :( I need to get it out of the shed since the cooler nights are upon us. For the sake of a speady setup, I have been thinking of making a concrete pier mount in the back yard so I don't have to align the scope every time I want to use it. Just mount it to the pier and go. :D

@ Bobt: LOL :P

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