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NH-900 Crash, unable to recharge

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I have a Sony md walkman MZ-NH900, well, until last night. While trying to record two days ago from the internet in the laptop, something I've done before with no problem, the unit got warm, and then completele stopped working. There was no smoke, nothing obvious electrical happened in the house, such as lights dimming. The unit won't play, record, nothing on the LCD or on the remote. It won't charge, except 30 seconds in the last 36 hours, while I was gently moving and pushing on the ac connection and the unit't controls, the LCD read "charging" for 15 seconds. I have been unable to repeat that and have tried hundreds of times.

It won't work without the battery from ac. The unit gets a little warm when the ac is plugged in. I've tried a different disc, cleaned the contacts. Haven't bought a new battery yet, but will if there's a chance that the unit isn't ruined. I have reviewed the manual online and tried the suggestions in the troubleshooting section. Also, is the unit supposed to work on ac, without the rechargeable battery inside it?

Any help is really appreciated.

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It should work without the battery and run on just the AC, yes.

Thanks for that clarification. I took apart the recharger, and it appeared "normal" to this pair of eyes. Of course, it was a debut job. If something is "fried", does it look "fried" in these electronic gadgets? I'm thinking about taking the MD apart next.


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