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AC adapter

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I have two Sharp minidisc units (both won off of eBay): an MD-MT821 and an MD-MT15. Both requires "DC in 5V". The MT15 has no ac adapter and the MT821 came with a 100Vac power supply (Japanese).

Other than ordering a power supply from Sharp I was wondering if this power supply from RadioShack will suffice:

Catalog #: 273-1696

Digital Camera Power Adapter

DC 3, 5, 6, 6.5, 7, 7.5 V (2000 mA)

5Vdc can be selected but at an amperage of up to 2000 mA (2A)!

I thinking it would work, but the 2A sounds frightening...

Any thoughts anyone?

Thanks for any reply!

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5Vdc can be selected but at an amperage of up to 2000 mA (2A)!

I thinking it would work, but the 2A sounds frightening...

Any thoughts anyone?

Thanks for any reply!

I have an 821 , and a few other Sharps ( one even has Dolphins molded into the casing , very cool) what you want is 5 volts 1 amp max . A Sony 4.5 volt will work fine ( Mine is hooked to one now) so get one of the adapters for a Sony portable CD player .

For longevity out , I made a Battery pack with a battery holder for AA 's and the proper sized cable and a project box, ( all that should be at Radio Shack) 4 AA pack with Rechargeables 1.2 volts x 4 = 4.8 volts and works fine , the Sanyo 2700 ma work best for me.

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Hey "Justlistening"

Try this , klik this link and read my most about this setup . At this very moment I have a Sharp MD-SS321 player connected to this battery pack , and it works beautifully , it comes with a cable to go from USB to DC and a Power supply for the wall that has USB out . this will give you portable recharging as well as a Wall wart for the Sharp , two birds one stone ( it is a little expensive , but a big problem solver)


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