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Sonic Stage and Vista 64 Bit editions -Warning

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Hi all I don't like Vista but sometimes have to use it (not on my own computers thank goodness)

Trying to load the drivers for some legacy net md stuff gives problems as these are 32 Bit drivers. 64Bit Vista doesn't like (or won't allow without convoluted registry hacks --way out of order for "normal users" to do) you to connect to hardware using 32 bit drivers --so you are royally screwed if you use older legacy network printers etc.

My Photo scanners (scanning from old slides and cibachromes) won't connnect either.

I'm not sure if there is another SS version that is designed for Vista 64 bit editions (any of the 64 bit versions).

Fortunately I can still run this stuff on a Windows XP machine running as a VM on Linux).

So all you thinking of using Vista 64 bit editions on your nice shiny new computers be careful (and don't thow away your old Windows XP CD's just yet as you can always create Virtual Machines with them).



Edited by 1kyle
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I bought 2 months ago a new computer with vista 64, i wanted to use SS to convert my mp3 in atract 3 for my md deck....

Vista 64 does not support SS. That's what sony says on its website. I tryed, didn't work out...

""64Bit Vista doesn't like (or won't allow without convoluted registry hacks --way out of order for "normal users" to do) you to connect to hardware using 32 bit drivers ""

Could you explain us how to do it? Or maybee it is too dangerous or complex to do...

Edited by kha
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