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Is MD Simple Burner supported in MS Windows Vista?

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Hi, my name is Brian, first time poster, long time lurker. Love these forums, I have 2 Hi-MD models, RH10, RH910

Just got a new laptop loaded with MS Windows Vista, and have loaded Sonic Stage 4.3 (was previously using Sonic Stage 3.4 in my old desktop (Windows XP operating system).

Anyways, I love using MD Simple Burner, but am having a lot of difficulty getting it installed. I've tried the MD Simple Burner download here on this site, as well as Sony's download site, but unfortunately, I keep getting the same error:

MD Simple Burner is not supported in this operating system.

I've done a quick search here, just now, to see if this is a common problem, and it is, so, my apologies for this redundant in e-mail. But I'd like to post, just in case anyone has had any luck to get MD Simple Burner to work in MS Vista.

Many thanks again,


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Hi, my name is Brian, first time poster, long time lurker. Love these forums, I have 2 Hi-MD models, RH10, RH910

Just got a new laptop loaded with MS Windows Vista, and have loaded Sonic Stage 4.3 (was previously using Sonic Stage 3.4 in my old desktop (Windows XP operating system).

Anyways, I love using MD Simple Burner, but am having a lot of difficulty getting it installed. I've tried the MD Simple Burner download here on this site, as well as Sony's download site, but unfortunately, I keep getting the same error:

MD Simple Burner is not supported in this operating system.

I've done a quick search here, just now, to see if this is a common problem, and it is, so, my apologies for this redundant in e-mail. But I'd like to post, just in case anyone has had any luck to get MD Simple Burner to work in MS Vista.

Many thanks again,


Hi and welcome. I too have Vista, and have not been able to make SB work, O've triesd usung 98 or XP emulation, the works, I know it sucks, but what can we mere mortals do against the likes of sony and osossoft


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So you guys have Vista and 4.3? I am assuming you have automatic updates on - please shriek if not!

Any chance either of you would be able to get me a depends.exe log file so I can try solving what might be wrong with multiple people who don't seem to have SS working at all?

This SB thing makes me wonder if those folks somehow opened the same trapdoor that SB is using (whatever it is, at this stage I have no clue) - and fell into it.

If you need a reference I can give one here....


You might be doing a lot of people a favour.


(PS don't try to post the log, send me a PM and we can exchange emails).

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Many thanks all, for the warm welcome and replies. :):)

I played around a bit, it seems like Sonic Stage 4.3 has an area/option where you can load a CD in, without having to copy to the hard drive, and load to the minidisc (at the bit rate one chooses).

It's almost like MD Simple Burner was 'incorporated' into the Sonic Stage this way, and thus the non-support for a stand-alone MD Simple Burner by itself.

I'll go ahead and try this later, and let you know. Really dug having simple burner, as I don't want to clog my hard drive up with music files, but rather, just load to the minidisc directly.......I know I know I'm an anomaly in this mp3 world, lol:):) but oh well, it works for me.....

Thanks again,


oh, just as a follow-up, perhaps the 'import cd' option was in previous Sonic Stages (ie. before 4.3.....like I said I was using 3.4), I'm not sure, I never tried it, as I just went straight to MD Simple Burner.....

If the Import CD option in Sonic Stage 4.3 works the same way (or nearly does), that would be great, and I'd be a happy camper....

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Import CD will do exactly that, import a CD. You will still end up with lots of "stuff" on your HD. The only real difference was SB would delete it for you after the transfer. SS is quite well behaved, you can delete all the tracks, and indeed set to to warn you when deleting, just to make sure it doesn't delete anything by accident.

I would very much like to get a depends log on a working Vista version, though. Only evident way to figure out what might be wrong.

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