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sfbp last won the day on January 25 2011

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    Bridge, music, computers

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  1. The prices on batteries make it absolutely worth a visit!
  2. Yup it's metal I have a LPM. What is missing is the SM for this device. So I haven't a clue what to look for. It was definitely working fine the last time it had an outing. So what single thing (Occam's razor) is the most likely source of it dying? Thanks S
  3. Fixing up my office (which has been a disaster since Covid) I ran into a few MD-related things not working right. The most surprising of these is my Hi-MD player, the captioned item (picture below). No idea why it got rotated, blame the phone for that. Anyhow, with a working battery, or on the charge stand, you can hear it seeking from one end of the travel to the other. Then repeating..... forever. To give the general idea of what is happening, I tried putting in different kinds of disk. With a CD (prerecorded) or LP2/SP disk, the seeking is more or less continuous. With any HiMD (legacy or 1GB), you can hear the characteristic noise as it reads the (low-MD) TOC and then tries to read the Hi-MD information - so a short change in sound whilst it does this. This suggests to me that it is actually detecting the TOC, and then changing gears, so *some* data is probably being processed. I opened it up (and nothing to report. The flexible cable to the OP looks intact. These things are pretty sturdy. And yes, after reassembly, it made exactly the same noises. Ideas? These players are pretty sturdy, so I am quite surprised. Stephen
  4. atts

    Hello . Could someone give me some advice? I bought a second-hand sony mds ja555es minidisk that was supposed to be fully functional.
    When I insert the disc, it does not load and ejects it, and the display says: fault c13. the disk does not spin.
    can't you tell what could be wrong? The end switch works, the laser bridge returns to its original position after turning on the device, but I don't know if the disk should spin after being inserted or not, and is the laser unit bad?
    thanks for the answers.

  5. Hmmm... what's an NH10? Or did I miss something.... Looks to me like that picture is an NH1.
  6. Good morning. I just realised that folks will have a hard time finding this unit online as you have posted the incorrect name, so I have edited your post accordingly. Welcome to SIF!
  7. I'd be inclined to get one of the "sidecar" battery cases, and put a real Alkali (non-rechargeable) battery in that, before you panic. The lugs (that contact the positive battery terminal) on the locking tag/door for the "prism"/gumstick battery is one of the weak points on most of these devices. The other end (there's a sharp point that is supposed to connected to the negative end of the NiMH battery by pressure) is the second. Frequently scratching the bottom of the (NiMH) battery with a sharp knife will wake it up.
  8. There's only one reason I have any CD (MD) disks. Alignment. You cannot do the steps to align the laser unless you have one.
  9. sfbp

    Bluetooth speakers

    Your phone is very likely a USB C. The jack on the bt spkr is as you say, a micro usb. So you need one of those (with power supply or from PC) to power/charge it. The circular jack is, notwithstanding this being a "wireless" speaker, old-fashioned (wired) audio in 3.5mm. https://www.sony.ca/en/electronics/support/product/srs-xb2/manuals
  10. Wow, so there *is* dout on the onkyo hi-md decks? That's amazing. Sign me up, for one Stephen
  11. The only trick is adding optical out on those decks which don't have it, at least for the MD section (eg MXD-D5C, MDS-JE480). They must all have the same style of firmware, because the "- DA" shows even on those decks that do NOT have optical out. Sadly the Onkyo MD-105FX (one of only a couple of Hi-MD decks in existence) doesn't do it. But that doesn't matter because a HiMD is already completely in the digital domain, and can be played back "directly" by a computer (ie it makes little difference whether the Hi-MD .OMA files are on the PC or on a minidisk, all the reproduction takes place in the computer's sound card, which DOES matter). But it can be done. Easily. Couple of wires and the right TOSlink LED transmitter.
  12. I'm really impressed - this is what the internet is for, to take advantage of our shared knowledge. Well done!
  13. Hello 1. Sonic Stage is not drag and drop. It's unknown to me whether MP3 files, for example, are directly copied to (and played from) the NW-E013F and similar devices. Or whether they get converted by SS and (then) copied to the device. The crash of SS is well-known, you should download the "Ultimate" version from our site here, and this may solve your problem. That crash occurs when SS goes out to a website that no longer exists, during initialization. 2. You may need the NetMD and/or HiMD drivers for Windows 64 bit (because I think the NW-E015F is set up to pretend to be a minidisc device or ATRAC Device). The .inf file you will have (assuming you have a CD or a download with the requisite files) is probably set up for Windows 32 bit. I'm not even sure if Windows 11 supports 32 bits any more. If it did, then the 32 bit Windows would likely solve your problem. However as there is no actual MD (minidisc) device, it is possible that the 64-bit thing is not an issue. But you may still be using ATRAC3 (which is a minidisc format) even if you start with MP3 files, for example. This means you still need a driver of some kind. 3. To support modified .inf files (such as the one I could make for you) is possible but Microsoft made it more and more difficult with successive versions of Windows. Basically you have to reboot the computer in a special mode for long enough to install the driver ("disable signature enforcement"). Once you have done so, all is well (and you can reboot normally), but you have to trick Windows into accepting "insecure" (tampered-with) versions of <whatever>.inf. Most likely, you have to get a driver installed, and somewhere there is a package for that. Maybe that's all you need. Perhaps you can tell us if you had it working before, or whether this is the first attempt on a new (to you) device and/or Windows version. It's also possible that you have to disable some (modern) checks in windows on self-modifying code ("Data Execution Prevention") but unless I had one of these and Windows 11 (I currently have neither) I can not really be sure about this. I hope this helps and that you can get it working. We have lots of people who know about this stuff, maybe one of them already solved this exact problem (your final question) 4. There are more modern (user-supported) software programs than Sonic Stage, though you will have to go through tha same or similar gyrations to get a new device working with these programs too. I am a SS fan, but there are plenty of folks who have experience with the new stuff. One program (out of the box and from Sony) that might work directly with your device is Sound Forge (part of Sony Vegas Studio Platinum) 9 or 10, as it has all the same smarts for reading and converting different files as does Sonic Stage, and will talk to an "ATRAC Device".
  14. Stick around, we may need you (experts at fiddling with the low level stuff are always welcome around here). Do you live in Budapest? We had an excellent techy member from there who left us, sadly.
  15. Right, but the existence of such errors does point to some underlying problem that is nothing to do with alignment. I don't think you can update firmware but maybe you (or someone reading this) knows differently.
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