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Figuring out these settings on the M200?

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I don't know much at all about equalizers, other than devices with presets such as rock, jazz, spoken word, etc.

Reading through my M200 manual, I came across these three sound effects (V-SUR, 6-BAND EQUALIZER, DYNAMIC NORMALIZER). I understand the 6-BAND EQUALIZER with it's 6 different sound qualities (Heavy, Pops, Jazz, Unique, Custom 1, Custom 2). However, my questions are:

1) When using the Custom setting on the 6-BAND EQUALIZER, how do you know what is best for the type of music you are listening to? I don't have a "musician's ear" to know, and it's hard for me to figure out what sounds good by moving the 6 bands around. For example, if I'm listening to classical, is there a 6-band pattern that is generally good to use? What about other types of music beyond the Heavy, Pops, Jazz presets on the RH1/M200?

2) I understand the DYNAMIC NORMALIZER to level out the sound, but when would you use the V-SUR?

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I don't know much at all about equalizers, other than devices with presets such as rock, jazz, spoken word, etc.

Reading through my M200 manual, I came across these three sound effects (V-SUR, 6-BAND EQUALIZER, DYNAMIC NORMALIZER). I understand the 6-BAND EQUALIZER with it's 6 different sound qualities (Heavy, Pops, Jazz, Unique, Custom 1, Custom 2). However, my questions are:

1) When using the Custom setting on the 6-BAND EQUALIZER, how do you know what is best for the type of music you are listening to? I don't have a "musician's ear" to know, and it's hard for me to figure out what sounds good by moving the 6 bands around. For example, if I'm listening to classical, is there a 6-band pattern that is generally good to use? What about other types of music beyond the Heavy, Pops, Jazz presets on the RH1/M200?

2) I understand the DYNAMIC NORMALIZER to level out the sound, but when would you use the V-SUR?

V-Sur = is a Fake Dolby surround sound . Kind of a 3d effect , or spacializer .

6 Band Eq = is your Own personal , what feels good to you , ( you dont need someone to tell you what feels good )

Normalizer =" peak level control " so to speak from song to song

Good Headphones , will make the changes in the 6 band EQ MUCH more apparent ..... cheap phones wont tell you very much

But here is the caveat , The output of MD Portables , are designed for LOW IMPEDANCE headphones , 16 - 24 ohms ....... Any more than that , you put a strain on the HP Amp , and diminish the sound level .

A Lot of the Bigger HP's will have 40 ohms, 100 ohms , even 300 Ohms in the cases of PRO HP's ( these need a separate, dedicated , Headphone Amp to sound good )

normal earbuds that come with the MD , aren't so dynamically apparent . But for around 40 - 50 dollars , you can get a decent pair of over the ear full sized Phones , for a better listening experience ( Yamaha RH-5MA is a good place to start, the cable is a bit long , but ...... they sound very good )

Phones make a HUGE difference , and I am sure MOST( if not all) of the Board will agree with that

Edited by Guitarfxr
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For example, if I'm listening to classical, is there a 6-band pattern that is generally good to use? What about other types of music beyond the Heavy, Pops, Jazz presets on the RH1/M200?

Down to taste and there are too many variables (music, heaphones, taste) to give a one-size-fits-all answer on that.

IMO, a good pair of good (balanced-sounding) headphones makes the EQ totally unnecessary (to me), but then I prefer a balanced sound I don't need to fuss over, and all Hi-MD units I've listened to are pretty balanced-sounding, IMO. Your tastes may vary. To me adjusting the EQ just complicates things, but good now and then to highlight or de-emphasize certain parts of a track I want to home in on, more for analysis than general listening. So I'm glad it's there 'just in case' but personally I never use it in day-to-day listening.

To me it can make some tracks sound more pleasant, but as soon as I listen to the next one, there's something I want to change, so a flat (ie. no) EQ keeps me happiest.

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