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Skipping Minidisc ?

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I have owned a Denon DMD-1000 minidisc recorder/player for some time. I regularly clean it with a MD cleaner. Recently, some of the disc that I have pre-recorded on some time ago have begun to skip, pause, etc. Is this normal - a function of the disc, or maybe the player - and what can be done about it ? While some disc play fine, there are certain ones which skip toward the end of the disc. Most of the disc are either Sony or Memorex, and there seems to be no difference in which name is being played. The problem occurs on either name, and it only occurs on some disc and not at the same time each time (ex: at 58:00 in on the disc).

Any sugggestions/advice ?

Thanks in advance.

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could be a possibility that the mechanism that moves the head may be sticking slightly, does pressing fast forward or rewind have any impact on what is being played? Do you have another unit you can play the disc on to see if it is disc or unit?

Good luck


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Are these by any chance much-edited disks? I suppose it could possibly be because the head is moving a lot on some discs not others. If it disappears after you reformat them and put fresh material on, it might be time to find out if the head lateral movement needs greasing.

I bet someone else knows far better, I am just guessing.

Another thing I wouldn't clean ANY digital head "regularly". I recall this with floppies and I believe it hasn't changed. Clean if/when you suspect trouble.

Hope this helps.


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